Baby balm on a white towel

January 11, 2021

Our baby balm: For wind and weather!

by Leonie Poppe

Throughout the year, our skin is frequently exposed to temperature fluctuations and still tries to keep everything in balance. Our adult skin is used to this, but it is a challenge for our little ones' skin. Their skin's own protection is simply not yet fully developed. That's why you can protect your baby's skin with a special wind and weather balm, especially in the cold and windy season Protect.

  1. Why do babies and children need an extra wind and weather balm? 
  2. What should I bear in mind when caring for my baby in winter? 
  3. The junglück baby balm
  4. Additional tips for winter with a baby

1 Why do babies & children need an extra wind and weather balm? 

The skin of newborns and children up to the age of ten is thinner and more sensitive to external influences than the skin of us adults. The subcutaneous fatty tissue is almost non-existent and the sebaceous and sweat glands are not yet working properly, which means that the skin is supplied with even fewer essential lipids and can therefore dry out more quickly. As a result, the little ones experience temperature differences even more intensely and their skin has greater difficulty in compensating for them on its own. Support is therefore needed here to keep the natural lipid and moisture balance in balance during the cold months by applying cream regularly. 

2 What should I bear in mind when caring for my baby in winter? 

Walks are important for parents and children, even in windy and cold and wet weather. The body is supplied with oxygen, the immune system is strengthened and metabolic functions are boosted. Circulation and breathing are also stimulated, so it is very important to explore the world outdoors with your little explorer every day. In the first few weeks after birth, however, please avoid temperatures below 10 °C and, if possible, avoid strong winds. Pay particular attention to your little one's head, so don't forget a hat and gloves! 

Oil instead of water: 

Especially when it is cold outside, it is important to choose a cream with a high fat content. Water-based creams also cool the skin down, draw out even more moisture and can even freeze on the skin at very low temperatures. Therefore, look for natural lipid sources, i.e. natural plant oils such as Almond Oil or Jojoba Oil. Lipid-replenishing bases such as shea butter or cocoa butter also ensure that moisture is stored in the skin layers and sufficient lipids are available. Mineral oils, kerosenes, parabens or irritating preservatives have no place in children's skin care. Ingredients that are labeled as perfume should also not be used on baby skin, as they can also cause skin irritation. 

cream It is therefore better to apply more frequently but with less product so that the cream can be better absorbed by the skin and it is well protected instead of being overwhelmed. Only use enough so that the skin can absorb it without any problems. 

3 The junglück baby balm

Thanks to its combination of Almond and apricot kernel oil, junglück baby balm is rich in oleic and linoleic acids and is therefore very kind to sensitive baby skin. It is quickly absorbed and supports the skin's natural acid mantle and barrier function. It contains Jojoba Oil , which is rich in vitamin E (tocopherol) and thus protects the cells from moisture loss. The vitamin also acts antioxidative and thus helps to better process new environmental influences. Shea butter and cocoa butter give the balm its desired creamy Texture texture and make baby's delicate skin supple. Together, these lipids provide an anhydrous skin protection cream that does not require any preservatives thanks to its formula. It forms a nourishing protective film on the skin in an instant, is easy apply to apply and is non-sticky. 

Calendula extract has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect thanks to its valuable ingredients such as carotenoids, flavonoids and saponins. Dry and irritated skin is moisturized by the power of calendula and the regeneration and cell renewal of the skin is also stimulated.  

The baby balm

Take a look directly in our store. There you will also find a detailed list of ingredients.

To the product


cream Apply baby balm to your baby's face and hands about 20 minutes before going outside. junglück baby balm on. Make sure that the cheeks get plenty of product.

Thanks to its mild formulation, the baby balm is also wonderfully suitable for dry children's and adult skin. PM as night care, as special care for dry areas or as day care, the balm for the whole family!

4 additional tips for winter with a baby

Avoid frequent bathing

Especially for babies who are still too small for sandy playgrounds and the like, it is sufficient to bathe them 1-2 times a week. A small baby's skin cools down quickly, so it is better to bathe them in the evening on cold days so that you can put your child straight into a warm bed afterwards. On non-bathing days, you can thoroughly clean any milk residue and the diaper area PM with a lukewarm washcloth before going to bed. Afterwards, our Baby Oil or our nourishing baby lotion.

Onion look - the best way 

As with us adults, the so-called onion look also works well for the little ones. Several thin layers on top of each other ensure that the air in between has an insulating effect and keeps us warm and cozy. On the other hand, if it gets too hot, you can remove a layer of clothing at any time. So your child is prepared for any temperature.

Thick fleece & hot water bottle

Once draped in the baby carriage, small babies hardly move and usually fall asleep after just a few moments. They therefore cool down more quickly and need an extra warming layer. Place a hot water bottle in the thick fleece sleeping bag in the baby carriage before going for a walk, especially on cooler days. This will keep your little one cozy in their little bed on wheels right from the start. If the hot water bottle is still too hot when you want to go out, take it out again. Otherwise, it can also stay at the bottom in the foot area during the walk to keep her warm. 

Wear close to the body 

Another option would be to carry the baby directly on your body in a sling or a special baby carrier. In the first few months, always face you. You give each other warmth and your baby is transported back to the time of pregnancy. Your heartbeat, your breathing and your closeness will calm it down! 

Take care

Calendula - tradition, mode of action and benefits

Find out more about the hero ingredient in our baby care range.

To the article


  • Elsässer Sabine, Body Care Science and Cosmetics, Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg 2008

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