How do we see ourselves as women? How do we feel in this role and how do we experience ourselves individually and as a community? What challenges do we face - individually and collectively?

These questions concern us all in one way or another throughout our lives. We asked almost 1,000 customers how they perceive and experience themselves as women. The aim was to find out where there are common challenges that we face as women. We would like to use these results to open up a conversation about precisely these challenges. With you. With us. With every person who feels addressed.

International Women's Day 2024 survey

International Women's Day 2024 survey

International Women's Day 2024 survey

International Women's Day 2024 survey

International Women's Day 2024 survey

International Women's Day 2024 survey

What we want to do with this article is to help us see ourselves more as a community, collectively walking the same paths and facing the same questions, the same doubts and the same challenges.
The results of our survey gave us food for thought and in some places also surprised us in a very positive way. But the best thing was all the comments we received on the open questions. So much positivity and encouragement needs space. That's why I'd like to share a selection of the answers with you here:

What could encourage more women to be more self-confident and accept themselves?

"Always keep in mind that a person's value is not defined by their appearance and that beauty ideals or social media trends are usually unattainable."

"Build a community in which you feel supported/encouraged to be who you are."

"Breaking framings like being too loud/too much."

"Social media for me is not a yardstick - because it often only refers to outward appearances. Your true values lie within you. If you live them with conviction, you are truly you and radiate from within."

"Equal rights, mutual support, less self-criticism, transparency, recognizing opportunities."

"Many women Treat themselves as outwardly self-confident, but are not. But nobody knows that except them. If we talk about it openly and see that many women feel this way who we would never have expected, it might help us to become more self-confident ourselves."

"Less envy of each other and more support for each other."

"Show different types of women in advertisements."

"Less pressure to perform or general pressure through social media, for example."

"Clearer communication in society that individuality and diversity are seen positively. Reducing stereotypes/pressure to be perfect."

"More honest communication from role models, sharing insecurities with family members and friends - showing that everyone has insecurities."

"More recognition in society."

"Taking care of yourself and not trying to please everyone."

"Feminist educational work as early as possible."

"When all women talk openly about their shame and self-doubt."

"More women in leadership positions, more presence in important decisions, more support through communication."

"To break away from all conventions and take exactly what makes you feel good and happy."

"I think we need to be more open to each other and stop judging each other."

"When women don't orient themselves towards ideals of beauty, but accept their bodies."

"To become aware of what the female body can do and that it is perfect even with curves!"

International Women's Day 2024 survey

What would you like to pass on to your younger self from your current perspective?

"Try out everything that interests you and don't be discouraged because you think you're too uncool for it, it's not for women or there are other obstacles in the way."

"Never act out of fear, but to be in balance."

"You can't change anyone, only your own reactions to things."

"Dare to be yourself."

"Enjoy life."

"You don't have to compare yourself. You are just right the way you are!"

"Enjoy your 20s, everything comes in its own time."

"Enjoy the moment."

"You can say no and it doesn't matter what the others think of you."

"Separate yourself from those who are not good for you!"

"Being different is a gift worth accepting, not a burden. You don't always have to try to fit in at all costs, but can create something unique from your own talents and imperfections."

"You have to look after yourself, life is a marathon, not a sprint. Manage your strength."

"You are good the way you are. Enjoy yourself."

"Be good to yourself, always!"

"Trust your instinct."

"Set more boundaries, say no more often and don't judge other people by their appearance."

"You can do anything."

"Don't let yourself be pigeonholed."

"Be courageous and open to everything."

International Women's Day 2024 survey

What's the best compliment you've ever received?

"That people feel very comfortable in my presence/enjoy spending time with me."

"That I light up every room I enter, am authentic and have a radiant smile."

"That my soul is wonderful :)"

"You are great! And there I was without make-up and far from my ideal weight :-)"

"These are the ones where you are not present when others talk positively about you in absentia."

"That I'm the best colleague and my line manager never wants to let me go again."

"When I enter the room, the sun rises."

"I admire how you manage it all."

"I would have loved to have such a great, open, self-confident woman like you for a daughter!"

"You are balm for the soul."

"My son at 19: My mother taught me everything..."

"I'm very lucky to have you in my life."

"Your soul shines like a star."

"You gave me the best childhood anyone could wish for."

"That my new self-confidence suits me."

"I love you because of your mistakes, not in spite of them."

"I was told that I had made a positive difference to someone's life just by walking into their life."

"You're a good listener and I know I can tell you anything. You make me feel completely understood."

"Your heart is beautiful because your eyes laugh."

"That I am a very lively person full of energy, that I am empathetic."

"When I enter the room, the whole room lights up."

"I can be who I am with you and don't have to pretend."

"My words, my messages are like precious seeds that I plant in people's hearts so that they can blossom and grow."

"That I have a positive impact on someone's life."

"You bring so much light/positivity into the room."

"You are a goddess among men."

"That I have a good gift for accepting others for who they are and building them up emotionally."

"I want to be like you."


If there's one thing I've learned from this survey and the many valuable responses, it's how important it is that we talk to each other and give each other the feeling that we share the same challenges, questions and issues that concern us. And perhaps it will then be easier for us to find answers for ourselves personally.