Calendula - tradition, mode of action and benefits in baby care

November 30, 2020

Calendula - tradition, mode of action and benefits in baby care

by Leonie Poppe

It's done, after around nine months the baby is finally here. There is so much to marvel at, discover and learn in this exciting new chapter. In addition to formalities such as the birth certificate and important appointments such as the first check-ups with the pediatrician, getting to know baby and parents is the top priority shortly after the birth. And caring for the little one is also at the top of the priority list.

  1. Special features and requirements of baby skin 
  2. Marigold - a medicinal plant with tradition
  3. The effect of calendula
  4. Skin care and bonding - two in one
  5. The Junglück baby line

Understandably, many questions arise with the arrival of a baby. After all, it's not just for the newborn that everything is new after the months in mom's safe womb. Parents also enter uncharted territory with the birth of their first child. 

What can I use to care for my baby, how often, what is good for my little one and what is not - questions upon questions. We understand you. And that's why we at Junglück would like to at least take away your worries about the ingredients in baby care products.

1 Special features and requirements of baby skin

As a baby's skin still has to develop its protective function, it needs skin care that is specially tailored to its needs. Our baby line only includes products that really care for babies' sensitive skin and meet their needs.

Marigold extract - Calendula officinalis in Latin - is one of the most important ingredients in our new skincare products for babies. Today I would like to explain to you what makes the extracts obtained from Marigold so valuable for the care of baby skin and introduce you to the medicinal plant in more detail.

To understand why the skin of the little ones needs special care, let's take a closer look at its special features.

The skin of newborns and small children is still delicate and thin. Over the coming years, your child's skin will gradually develop and develop its protective function. However, it is only with the onset of puberty that the skin becomes more resistant to external influences. 

Babies' skin is particularly sensitive:

  • The horny layer of babies' skin is still very thin and permeable as their sebaceous glands only produce a few lipids. These natural lipids hold the horny cells together like a cementing substance and Protect thus prevent moisture loss.
  • On the outside, lipids together with sweat form the acid mantle, also known as the hydrolipid film. This keeps pathogens and harmful substances out and prevents them from penetrating the skin. Because not only the sebaceous glands but also the sweat glands of the little ones are still in the dormant phase, the acid mantle of babies and children is still unstable and has yet to fully develop. 
  • Sensitive baby skin still produces little melanin. It therefore lacks natural protection against UV rays.

      This is why babies' water-rich skin feels so incredibly velvety. However, this is also why it reacts so sensitively to environmental influences, mechanical stimuli or certain ingredients in cosmetic products. Babies' skin can also dry out much more quickly, for example if they bathe too often in hot water.

      It is therefore quite possible that pustules, redness, eczema or a sore bottom can disturb your little one's well-being - and also deprive parents of their well-earned sleep. To protect the silky soft skin of little explorers Protect, it needs special attention and care with mild products.

      2 Marigold - a medicinal plant with tradition

      And so we come back to the wonderful medicinal plant Calendula officinalis, whose extracts we use for our baby care line. This is because calendula extract works anti-inflammatory and promotes wound healing.

      The Marigold probably owes its name to its crescent-shaped curved fruits, which appear after flowering. The plant, which probably originates from the Mediterranean region, is also a popular eye-catcher in the flowerbed thanks to its bright orange flowers.

      But calendula is much more than just a pretty ornamental in the garden. Hildegard von Bingen mentioned Marigold as early as the 12th century in her work "Physica" as a natural medium for treating digestive problems, various skin problems and for detoxifying the body. 

      Today, there are studies that prove the anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and regenerative effect of Calendula officialis flower extracts when used externally - at least in vitro. The plant with the bright orange flowers has long been an integral part of folk medicine and naturopathy.

      For internal use, parts of Marigold are processed into tea, for example. For the external treatment of skin problems, the flowers are mainly used to make ointments, creams or oils. But what makes the medicinal plant so valuable for the care of sensitive baby skin?

      3 The effect of calendula 

      The wound-healing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of marigold extracts are very suitable for the care of sensitive and easily irritated baby skin. The exact substances contained in the plant that are responsible for the positive effect on the skin have not yet been conclusively researched. 

      It is assumed that the ingredients of Marigold stimulate the formation of collagen fibers in the skin and thus accelerate wound healing. The many pharmaceutically significant ingredients of Calendula officinalis are better researched than the exact mode of action. 

      The following are particularly important for skin care:

      • Flavonoids: secondary plant substances such as the yellow natural pigment quercetin contained in Marigold Treat anti-inflammatory and antioxidative
      • Carotenoids: have cell-protecting and cell-regenerating properties
      • Phytosterols: Treat anti-inflammatory soothe itching and regulate the skin's moisture balance
      • Allantoin: soothes the skin, accelerates cell regeneration
      • Polysaccharides and saponins: slightly anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect

              In very rare cases, Marigold can cause allergic reactions. Calendula products should therefore not be used if you are known to be allergic to composite flowers. However, by taking good care of the seeds, the flowers can grow in such a way that they contain as few of the allergenic ingredients as possible. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, calendula products should not be taken orally or only after consulting a doctor. 

              Calendula extract from controlled organic cultivation (kba) is used in the baby line from Junglück . The plants used are not fertilized with chemicals. This means that your baby's skin only comes into contact with the best of Marigold . I would now like to look at how you can use your baby's care to deepen your bond.

              4 Skin care and bonding - two in one

              The bond with the baby is formed in the womb. After birth, this emotional bond is strengthened through affection, love and care. Psychologists refer to this loving connection between parents and baby as bonding. This beautiful start in life not only gives the little one a feeling of security in the moment, a positive bonding phase also has a long-term effect.

              Through an intimate relationship with its parents, a child can develop a healthy basic trust. This later enables them to approach other people with confidence and build relationships. Bonding time also has a positive effect on trust in oneself.

              And should life one day throw up a storm or two, you can fall back on this source of strength. The foundation created by parental love and closeness can withstand even the wildest gusts. And so you can surf the waves of life - sometimes better, sometimes worse. This is part of the process of growing up. But the knowledge that everything will take its course and that the raging ocean will calm down again is something that parents have passed on to their offspring through positive bonding.

              But how does bonding work? For many, this process begins immediately after birth on the parents' chest. The baby feels Odour and the heartbeat, it can recover from the stressful birth on this safe "island" and get used to the many new impressions. 

              By the way, you should never blame yourself if the first few days after the birth didn't go like a picture book. Bonding describes an ongoing process and not this one moment.

              Talking to the baby, often seeking eye contact and breastfeeding is direct skin contact are very important aspects. So skin care does not fulfill one purpose. Rather, it is part of the bonding phase. This is because the loving contact during baby care incidentally creates a deeper relationship between the little one and his/her parents. 

              Whether bathing, giving a baby massage or applying cream - while the skin is being cared for, the so-called cuddle hormone oxytocin is also released in the child and mother. It triggers numerous physical processes and lowers the level of the stress hormone cortisol in mother and child.

              5 The Junglück baby line

              This is a wonderful way to combine bonding with caring for your little one. And as parents know, time is scarce and precious once the little one arrives. So that you don't have to worry about unnecessary ingredients when caring for your baby's skin, we have followed our tried and tested "less is more" credo when developing the baby line from Junglück .

              The result is a complete baby line with recipes perfectly tailored to baby's needs:

              Baby Oil 

              The fragrance-free Baby Oil with the finest organic plant oils is suitable for the care and relaxing massage of baby's skin. Almond Oil Apricot kernel oil, evening primrose oil and Jojoba Oil nourish the skin and Treat counteract moisture loss. Calendula extract soothes the skin and prevents irritation. The oil contains no preservatives. If you would like to find out more about our Baby Oil , you can find more information in this blog article. 

              Baby Oil - Skin care and massage for child and parents.

              In this article, you can find out all about our Baby Oil, why baby massage is so great and how to do it properly.

              To the article

              Baby balm

              Our rich and water-free balm provides your baby's skin with oil and moisture and protects it from drying out. OrganicAlmond Oil and marigold extract Protect and Moisturize soothe the delicate skin. The protective balm is ideal for the cold season.

              Baby lotion

              The delicate emulsion with cold-pressed Almond Oil from controlled organic cultivation provides baby's skin with intensive moisture. Essential fatty acids from apricot kernel oil and evening primrose oil strengthen the skin's natural protective barrier and regulate the skin's moisture balance. Perfect for daily care.

              Baby Bath 

              With mild surfactants based on olive oil, Junglück Baby Bath cleanses sensitive baby skin without drying it out. Regreasing organicAlmond Oil and organicJojoba Oil preserve the skin's natural protective layer. Organic calendula extract and organic aloe vera soothe and Moisturize even while splashing around.

              Pregnancy Oil 

              For skin care during or after pregnancy, we have designed the pampering Pregnancy Oil with precious organic plant oils. Almond Oil Jojoba Oil , wheat germ oil and evening primrose oil strengthen the skin barrier. Calendula extract supports the regeneration of the skin and improves its elasticity. The oil can as needed be gently massaged in once or twice to help counteract dryness and stretch marks on the stomach, legs, bo or chest.

              For further suggestions and requests regarding podcasts or blog posts and topics that interest you, please write a comment here! I look forward to hearing from you. 

              Our new editor

              My name is Lena and I am a happy freelance writer and journalist. I love animals more than anything, which is why I eat a 99 percent vegan diet. Speaking of vegan: I love plant-based natural cosmetics and writing about them. And so the circle closes, because my enthusiasm for vitamin Cserum and the sustainable approach of Junglück brought me here. I hope you enjoy reading my articles!

              Your Lena








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