Are you currently in the middle of a jungle of different product descriptions and are you confused by all the recommendations for specific skin types? Don't worry, we have now developed a tool that will guide you on the way to your own individual skincare routine: Our skin advice!

Register here for our free skin consultation and in just a few minutes you will know your skin type and skin condition. As the protection of your data is important to us, we carry out the skin consultation in a closed area. You will receive your access by e-mail and then you can get started right away!

  • Free skin consultation in just a few minutes
  • Just 6 questions will guide you to your skin type
  • Also find out your skin condition
  • Get valuable information about your skin
  • Find the right products for your skin type

Declaration of consent (Please scroll!)
For the collection, use and processing of your personal data described below, consent pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR in conjunction with Art. 7 and 8 GDPR is required.

1. type of processing or use of your personal data
In the survey to which this declaration of consent relates, we collect personal data from you that we intend to use to determine your skin type and skin condition. We intend to use/process your data categories described in section 2 as follows:

Your data is used on the one hand for the purpose of determining your skin type and skin condition on the basis of your information and suggesting suitable products to you. In addition, we also intend to process your data for internal purposes in order to optimize our products and for sales purposes.

In connection with the use/processing of your personal data, we would also transfer the data mentioned under point 2 to the following bodies for the following purposes:

TYPEFORM, C/Bac de Roda, 163 (Local), 08018 - Barcelona (Spain), based in Spain (EU), is the service provider through which we collect the query of your data mentioned under point 2 and have it forwarded to us. There is a proper contract with TYPEFORM for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can find more information on data processing by TYPEFORM at: https: //admin.typeform.com/to/dwk6gt/

Your data will then be transmitted by TYPEFORM to the service provider KLAVIYO, who will process the collected data for us and make it analyzable.

There is also a proper contract with KLAVIYO, Global HQ, 125 Summer St, Floor 6 Boston, MA 02111 United States for order processing in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. This contract can be viewed at: https://www.klaviyo.com/privacy/dpa. In Attachment 3, the contract contains the so-called standard contractual clauses issued by the EU Commission as suitable guarantees pursuant to Art. 46 para. 2 lit. c) GDPR.

However, since KLAVIYO is a provider based in the third country USA, where a comparable level of data protection as in a member state of the EU cannot be guaranteed despite the aforementioned suitable guarantees, we also require your express consent for the transfer of data to KLAVIYO in accordance with Art. 49 para. 1 lit. a) GDPR. You give this consent when you submit this declaration of consent. According to the ruling of the European Court of Justice of July 16, 2020 (so-called SCHREMS II ruling), there is a risk that US authorities may also access personal data of EU citizens and process it for their own purposes on the basis of the so-called CLOUD Act, despite the existence of suitable guarantees. Please be aware that a level of data protection similar to that in the EU member states is therefore not guaranteed when you submit this declaration of consent. You can read more about the processing of personal data by KLAVIYO at: https: //www.klaviyo.com/privacy/policy

Klaviyo also compares your personal data with your data if it is already stored in Shopify via orders placed with us or via the creation of a customer account. There is also a proper contract with Shopify in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. Shopify is a store system of Shopify Inc, 150 Elgin St, 8th Fl, Ottawa, ON K2P 1L4, Canada ("Shopify"). Shopify processes the following data of our customers as part of the provision of the store system: Name, e-mail address, delivery and billing address, payment data, company name, telephone number, IP address, information about orders, information about stores visited and supported by Shopify and information about devices and browsers used.

For customers from the European Economic Area, data processing is carried out by Shopify's subsidiary, Shopify International Limited, c/o Intertrust Ireland, 2nd Floor 1-2 Victoria Buildings, Haddington Road, Dublin 4, D04 XN32, Ireland.

2. type of data to be processed
We request the following personal data from you for the data processing mentioned in section 1:

  • E-mail address
  • Information about your skin type, if required to determine your skin type additional information about
    • Your age
    • Shine of your skin (e.g. oily film; normal balanced shine etc.)
    • Condition of your skin (e.g. wrinkles, redness, blemishes, etc.)
    • Structure of your skin (e.g. scars, dry patches, inclusions, flaky skin, etc.)
    • Your complexion (e.g. even complexion, matte complexion, freckles, etc.)
  • Skin condition (e.g. sensitive skin, mature skin etc.)
  • Skin diseases in general
  • Presence of acne
  • Pigment or age spots
  • Tendency to redness

3. place and duration of storage
The data referred to in section 2 is processed in our internal databases and by the service provider KLAVIYO in accordance with our instructions. You can read more about the protection of your data and the processing via KLAVIYO in section 2. Complex CRM systems, data warehouse applications and cloud solutions are used for data processing.

We will store and process your data for a period of five years from the date of collection as described in section 1. As this declaration of consent is voluntary, you can revoke your consent at any time and request that we delete your data. We will then no longer process your data, but delete it immediately.

4. special data types
Please note that the data we wish to process from you may also include so-called special categories of personal data in accordance with Art. 9 (1) GDPR. In this case, this is health data, i.e. information that allows conclusions to be drawn about your state of health. The processing of such special categories always entails an increased data protection risk, which we would like to draw your attention to at this point.

5. responsible body and data protection officer
The controller within the meaning of Art. 4 No. 7 GDPR for the collection, processing and use of your personal data is

Machtlfinger Street 30
81379 Munich

If you have any questions, you can contact our company data protection officer at the following address [email protected]

6. voluntariness
I acknowledge that my consent is based on my voluntary decision. Failure to give my consent will not have any negative consequences for me. I am also aware that I can revoke my consent at any time for the future. Uses and processing that took place before the revocation remain unaffected by the revocation.

7. declaration of consent
With my signature I declare my consent to the described collection, processing and use of my data.

I have taken note of the information in this declaration of consent regarding the processing, storage and transmission of my personal data and also declare my consent to this. I have also taken note of the fact that this consent is voluntary and that I can revoke this consent informally at any time without giving reasons by telephone, in writing or by e-mail to [email protected] without giving reasons.


Our skin types and skin conditions are as different as we are and depend on many other factors apart from our genetics. To provide you with a little more clarity, we have developed our skin advice, which will guide you to your current skin type and skin condition with just 6 questions .

Because no matter how good or mild a product is, your skin will only get what it needs if your skincare matches your skin type. So this is important information to help you find the right routine for you. As a result, in addition to valuable information, we also have a selection of suitable products ready for you to make your decision easier.