Reflection of a woman from below looking to the right

August 12, 2020

Pimples after stopping the pill - causes and tips

by Leonie Poppe

Are you also struggling with blemishes after stopping the pill? I would like to take you by the hand in this article and tell you about my experiences. I'll also give you some important tips that you can follow to get through the hormonal changeover well! 

  • Stopping the pill - a liberating experience for me 
  • Causes of spots after stopping the pill 
  • 8 tips to avoid spots

  • pimples after stopping the pill

    Stopping the pill - a liberating experience for me 

    More and more women have decided to stop taking the pill in recent years and I was one of them. That's why I know the feeling afterwards only too well, know the ups and downs and, above all, know the problems with the skin! 

    For me, however, coming off the pill was like a small liberation. A kind of liberation from an invisible prison that I wasn't even aware of. Constant mood swings, an uneasy feeling and negative moods had been a part of me for a long time.

    Then I started studying pharmacy and the more I studied hormones and how they work, the more skeptical I became about this form of contraception. I learned how sensitive and at the same time how important the hormone system is for our body. I also realized more and more how much they influence our mood and our whole being. 

    Was I perhaps not such a "subdued" person as I always thought? 

    I fought for a while against the inner resistance I felt every time my alarm clock tried to remind me to swallow the little pill. Until I simply didn't want to anymore. 

    At the end of a pack of pills, I simply decided to let my pill break become the end of pills. That was 6 years ago now. 

    You must not have had acne before...

    I noticed the change pretty quickly and so did my skin! Pimples have appeared and not just a few. Especially my hairline, back and shoulders were particularly affected. This again shows that you must not have had acne before taking the pill! I didn't know that from my skin at all! It was completely new territory for me and, I have to admit, it really shocked me.

    Although acne is more likely to reappear after stopping the pill if you've had it before, it doesn't mean you're protected from blemishes if you've been spared before. 

    pimples after stopping the pill

    So I speak from experience! That's why I'll give you a tip right at the beginning: Be patient! Be patient with yourself, your body and your hormonal balance. It will get better! But it takes time, and definitely longer than a year. At least that was the case for me. 

    I'm not saying this to discourage you, but to encourage you! So that you know that it is normal if it takes longer or has a stronger effect on you than on your friends who have also stopped taking the pill!
    Everyone reacts differently and so it can go either way for you. The important thing is to know that you can do a lot to cope with the changeover to a "normal" hormone balance.

    After all, we now know what these "unspeakable" hormones can do to us! Mood swings are inevitable for most of us! As if that wasn't enough, they also turn the dials on our skin and can make us blossom in a completely different way.    

    The causes of spots after stopping the pill 

  • Hormones
  • Stress 
  • poor diet 
  • Intestine
  • Immune system

    I have deliberately included the stress factor in the circle, as it plays a very important role in health nowadays!  

    When blemishes "adorn" our body, hormones are usually involved. Of course, stopping the pill has a particular impact on this sensitive system and we're left with a mess. 

    In addition to all the other types of pills that also interfere with our hormone balance, I would particularly like to highlight the so-called anti-androgenic pills. These are the pills that, in addition to contraception, also advertise beautiful skin and hair! They reduce testosterone levels. Testosterone is also a very important sex hormone in women (yes, that's why sexual reluctance is not uncommon in women who take the pill! Nothing we really want!) 

    If we suddenly take this damper off the body, testosterone shoots up. Until the hormones regulate each other again and come back into balance. 

    Until then, the high testosterone level stimulates sebum production, bacteria and germs feel more comfortable on the skin and pimples develop. That's why men are more prone to acne!

    Other causes of blemishes, along with hormones, are definitely stress, the wrong diet and our metabolism. However, I always find it a little difficult to look at these things separately. For me, everything is simply connected.

    A holistic view of our body and the circumstances we find ourselves in is, in my opinion, the most important step to really getting rid of impurities! And of course other problems too! :)
    Because stress messes up our hormones and a poor diet also affects the health of our gut, which then also affects our hormone balance.

    As you can see, our whole body is a very complex interplay of different systems that interlock like cogwheels. This naturally makes it a little complicated to find the perfect way and to promise a universal miracle cure. At the same time, it is incredibly exciting. 

    With the experience I've gained from working in a pharmacy, interacting with customers and also with my own skin, I'd like to give you my 8 most valuable tips that can help you create the roadmap that's right for you. 

    I am assuming that you have already stopped taking the pill. If you're not sure whether this is right for you, it's best to consult your gynecologist!

    My 8 tips to avoid spots after stopping the pill

    1. pay attention to a regular but gentle cleanser

    A gentle cleanser is essential for removing bacteria and dirt from your skin. Mild sugar surfactants or plant-based surfactants do this in the best possible way. Namely without damaging the skin's protective acid mantle. For clean and radiant skin, this should be intact! You can use both Cleansing Oil and Cleansing Gel for such a cleanser .
    To the cleaning products