"With our Happiness Week, we want to do good and donate some of our happiness for every order." - Benedikt Klarmann, Founder & Managing Director, Junglück
From 23.11.2020 to 29.11.2020 was our Happiness Week, during which we supported a different charitable organization every day. You completely exceeded our expectations for Happiness Week. You are simply incredible! We would like to thank you for that! Happiness Week has shown us how the commitment of each individual can make a big step in the right direction.

Together we have created a huge impact:
- 437 weekly rations of food go to the Tiertafel München e. V.
- 1,150 euros were donated to Doctors against animal testing e. V. were collected.
- 50 sponsorships for pensioners in need are available from LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e. V. can be taken on.
- 100 children are provided with Mary's Meals for 1 school year.
- 11,565 tons of plastic are saved with Plastic Free Planet from the sea. Calculated in 1.5 liter disposable PET bottles, that's 385,500 (!) bottles.
- 75,283 trees are planted with Eden Projects planted.
2,295 euros in donations make it possible People for People to finance almost an entire well in Ethiopia.
A short review of an incredibly great week and our favorite projects:
"I'm happy with everything we were able to make possible with the Happiness Week. A thousand thanks to everyone who helped us." - Benedikt Klarmann, Founder & Managing Director, Junglück
On Monday, 23.11.2020, we fed pets with the Tiertafel.
Unfortunately, sometimes life is different. For people with pets, financial emergencies quickly become a question of whether you can still afford your pet. To prevent this from happening, the Tiertafel München e. V. provides food and donations in kind. For every Advent calendar sold on this day, we donated a week's ration of food. We were able to collect 437 (!) weekly rations of food for owners in need. 1,200 kilograms of food will now be delivered to the Tiertafel.
On Tuesday, November 24, 2020, we supported Doctors Against Animal Experiments.
Since 1979, the association Doctors Against Animal Experiments e. V. has been campaigning nationwide for animal-free research. With lectures and congresses Tone doctors raise awareness and support the development of alternative test methods. For us as a young cosmetics brand, this is an important issue that we are committed to. We had two strong campaigns on this day! Our sustainable solid products finally made their way into our online store and we were able to make a donation of 1,150 euros to the Ärzte gegen Tierversuche e. V. association.
On Wednesday, 25.11.2020, we helped senior citizens in need.
Old-age poverty is a sad and unfortunately very present topic. For many people who have worked all their lives or, as was common practice, looked after children, their pension is not enough to live on. LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe e. V. ensures that needy senior citizens can once again fulfill small wishes themselves. An initiative that is a project close to our hearts and that we are happy to support with sponsorships. With our set offer, we were able to take on 50 sponsorships for senior citizens for one year.
On Thursday, 26.11.2020, we provided children with 1 year of school meals.
The movement Mary's Meals movement has one goal: every child should receive a nutritious meal every day. They are committed to this in 19 countries on 5 continents to date and are helping to counteract the global famine with over 690,000,000 people affected, including countless children. For us, this is an incredible number and an opportunity to make a contribution to reducing it. We have achieved this with a special offer on our new baby line. We have raised so much money that we can feed 100 children for a school year.
On Friday, November 27, 2020, we collected plastic from the sea.
When JUNGLÜCK was founded about 2 years ago, it was a particular concern to produce our products as plastic-free as possible. Especially because the pollution of our environment by plastic and disposable packaging is increasing immensely. We want to continue to contribute to this and therefore support Plastic Free Planet in their work to clean up our oceans. The day of action was definitely one of our highlights! The expectations for this day of action were completely exceeded! With your help, we were able to remove 11.565 tons of plastic from the ocean. Calculated in 1.5 liter disposable PET bottles, that's 385,500 (!) bottles.
On Saturday, 28.11.2020, we planted 2 trees for each product.
Trees are our most important helpers in filtering harmful CO2 from the air. However, in poorer regions of the world in particular, deforestation continues and thousands of years of nature is being destroyed. That is why we have been planting trees with the sale of our products right from the start and support the organization Eden Reforestation Projects. And because this is so important to us, we doubled the number of trees last Saturday and planted two trees for every product sold. The day of action definitely brought us double the joy! We have beautiful giftsets for you to make this year's sustainable gift-giving easier and sweeter. Throughout the week, we were able to plant an incredible number of trees, 75,283 to be exact, with Eden Projects.
On Sunday, 29.11.2020, we supported the construction of a well in Africa.
Water means life. A natural resource that should be accessible to everyone. Especially in places where this resource is scarce. This is what the organization People for People has been campaigning for this in Africa for many years and uses donations to build wells in regions threatened by war, drought and poverty. With a donation of 2,295 euros, we were able to finance the construction of almost an entire well in Ethiopia.
We would like to say a huge thank you to you!
Happiness Week was a huge incentive for us to become even more involved in sustainable and social projects. We are already looking forward to all the upcoming projects that we can support together with you. We already have something in the pipeline that we are really proud of. We'll tell you more when everything is in the bag.
We look forward to you continuing on this path with us!
Your Marie