Holistic care from the outside and inside: With our nutritional supplements

January 17, 2023

Holistic care from the outside and inside: With our nutritional supplements

by Lena Severin

After a lot of tinkering, thinking and planning, we are now incredibly happy to be able to present our new nutritional supplements to you.

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex

In this blog, I would like to take you on an excursion to our manufacturer here in Germany and tell you more about the two nutrient complexes.


  1. Why does JUNGLÜCK make food supplements?
  2. A look behind the production scenes
  3. Skin nutrient complex: an overview of the ingredients
  4. Hair & nails nutrient complex: an overview of the ingredients
  5. JUNGLÜCK Nutrient complexes: Care from the outside and inside

1. why does JUNGLÜCK make food supplements?

JUNGLÜCK makes cosmetics - so why have we developed food supplements?
From the very beginning, we have taken a holistic approach to skin care. We are aware that there is more to well-groomed skin than just using the right cosmetics. Even if care plays a very important role in maintaining it, it is not the only factor that influences our skin. Exercise, climate, hormonal changes and also nutrition and the supply of nutrients to the body are important - and often underestimated - factors. We want to raise awareness of this and make skincare a natural part of a conscious lifestyle. After all, we want everyone to feel good about their skin and body all round, not just for selective cosmetic support. Only in a healthy body does our skin feel good and make this visible to the outside world. With our nutritional supplements, we support the normal function of skin, hair and nails in addition to our pure skin care. A conscious lifestyle is just as important as a balanced diet.

2. a look behind the production scenes

The idea of developing nutritional supplements has been in the back of our founder Benedikt's mind for some time. For us and our holistic approach to skincare, the nutrient complexes are a logical addition to our skincare products.
This is how the individual ingredients in our nutrient complexes have come together piece by piece. From mixing the individual ingredients into a powder, to encapsulation, to packaging in our JUNGLÜCK jars - everything is done under one roof in Germany. In November 2022, our Social Media Manager Julie and I visited the production facility. There we looked at the individual steps that our food supplements go through, had the machines and processes explained to us and captured the whole thing visually.

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- Nutrient complex
Nutrients in powder form. Blue: copper gluconate. Brown: Grape seed extract. Beige: Rosehip fruit extract. Yellow: mustard seed extract.

Nutrient complex -JUNGLÜCK- food supplements
Here, the mixed powder is filled into cellulose capsules and sealed tightly.

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex
The finished capsules are collected and fed into the packaging in the neighboring room via a large funnel in the filling machine.

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex
From the hopper, the capsules are fed into the JUNGLÜCK jars via a conveyor belt. Precisely counted, of course.

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex
From here, the lids are screwed on by hand and then packed into the cardboard box. As with all products, we have also dispensed with package inserts for our food supplements in order to save paper. You will find all the important information in the folding box.

Now you have already gained a small insight into the production of our food supplements to better understand why we have chosen this completely new product category.
So let's take a look at the main characters in this article and what exactly is involved.

3. nutrient complex skin: the ingredients at a glance

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex

In the composition of our skin nutrient complex, we have deliberately chosen ingredients that are involved in skin processes and are related to the maintenance of normal skin. You may already be familiar with some of these ingredients from our cosmetics. These Actives have a positive effect on the skin, and not just when applied externally.

And this is in the skin nutrient complex:

Vitamin C from rose hip fruit extract

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex
Vitamin C...

  • contributes to normal collagen formation for normal skin function
  • helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Protect

OPC from organic grape seed extract

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex
OPC stands for oligomeric proanthocyanidins. It contains a particularly high proportion of natural antioxidants that protect the skin cells from oxidative stress.

Zinc (zinc bisglycinate)


  • contributes to the maintenance of normal skin
  • helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Protect
  • has a function in cell division
  • contributes to a normal acid-base metabolism
  • contributes to normal vitamin A metabolism

Vitamin E (vitamin E acetate)

Vitamin E helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress Protect.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)

Pantothenic acid...

  • contributes to a normal energy metabolism
  • contributes to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters
  • contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)


  • contributes to the maintenance of normal skin
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes

Selenium (PhySelium® mustard seed extract)

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex

  • helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Protect

Vitamin A (vitamin A acetate)

Vitamin A...

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal skin
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

contributes to the maintenance of normal skin
contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes

4. nutrient complex hair & nails: the ingredients at a glance

Nutrient complex -JUNGLÜCK- food supplements

For our second food supplement, we also considered which Actives can specifically support hair and nails. The result: a mixture of vitamins, antioxidants, trace elements, amino acids and secondary plant substances.

And this is what the nutrient complex Hair & Nails contains:

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride)

Vitamin B6...

  • contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity
  • contributes to normal cysteine synthesis

L-cysteine hydrochloride


  • is a sulphur-containing amino acid. Amino acids are needed by the body to form collagen and keratin, among other things
  • is a component of hair & nails



  • is a sulphur-containing essential amino acid.
  • is involved in the formation of various protein molecules and in the conversion of the amino acid L-cysteine. Amino acids are needed by the body to form collagen and keratin, among other things

Silicon (silicic acid)


  • is an important trace element and a building block of all human organisms

Zinc (zinc bisglycinate)


  • contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and nails
  • helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Protect
  • has a function in cell division
  • contributes to a normal acid-base metabolism
  • contributes to normal vitamin A metabolism

Nettle leaf

Food supplement -JUNGLÜCK- nutrient complex
Nettle leaf...

  • contains silicic acid, iron, vitamins A and C
  • contains flavonoids that protect the cells from free radicals Protect, strengthen the immune system

Selenium (PhySelium® mustard seed extract)

Nutrient complex -JUNGLÜCK- food supplements

  • contributes to the maintenance of normal hair
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal nails
  • helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Protect

Copper (copper gluconate)


  • contributes to normal hair pigmentation
  • helps to protect the cells from oxidative stress. Protect
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal connective tissue

Biotin (D-biotin)


  • contributes to the maintenance of normal hair
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal mucous membranes
  • contributes to the maintenance of normal skin

5. JUNGLÜCK Nutrient complexes: Care from the outside and inside


Our nutrient complexes

For skin, hair & nails.

To the food supplements

We are delighted to be able to bring you even closer to the holistic aspect of skincare with our product selection. The development of our nutritional supplements was an exciting process that involved a lot of thought, research and consideration. A lot of time has passed from the initial idea to the launch. The entire team is now all the more delighted to be able to present our skin nutrient complex and our hair & nails nutrient complex to you.

Additional information:

Food supplements are no substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.
If you are taking medication at the same time, please consult your doctor about possible interactions.
Recommended dosage: AM and PM Take one capsule with plenty of water.
Please follow the recommended dosage and always keep food supplements out of the reach of children.

Nutrient complex skin:
Vitamin A and Niacinamide (vitamin B3) should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Men aged 55 and over should note that excessive supplementation of vitamin E can increase the risk of prostate cancer.
If you take other food supplements containing vitamin A, vitamin E and/or Niacinamide (vitamin B3) at the same time, make sure that you do not exceed the daily requirement.

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