Fabulashes through eyelash serums

April 14, 2020

Fabulashes through eyelash serums

by Sophia Wildfeuer

Eyelashes - a symbol of femininity, attractiveness and seduction. But how exactly does this work with our eyelashes? And how can we usefully support their growth with eyelash serums? Let's get to the bottom of it all...

In this article you will learn, among other things

01 Not all hair is the same - The lash growth

02 External support - How does a Lash Serum work?

03 Prostaglandins - Why is long-term use not advisable?

04 The junglück Lash Serum - ingredients 

05 No pain, no gain - The right application 

01 Not all hair is the same - The lash growth 

Hair is an appendage of the skin made from the main component Keratin. Dead, keratinized cells, also known as keratinocytes, form solid fibres and these form our eyelashes. Surrounded by sebaceous and sweat glands, they offer us protection against possible foreign bodies and UV radiation. They also influence the air flow around our eyes so that there is always enough moisture and our cells cannot dry out. People are individuals, and so are their eyelashes. Depending on eye shape and predisposition, growth follows its very own rhythm. 

Phases of eyelash growth: 

  • Anagen phase: Active growth 
  • Catagen phase: transition period 
  • Telogen phase: rest period

The first phase lasts around 2-3 months a year, during which our eyelashes grow around 0.15 mm a day. The hairs have an average lifespan of 100-150 days, after which they fall out (1-5 hairs/day) and new fresh hairs grow in. If you take a closer look at your eyes, you can see that the two eyelids are slightly different. There are about 2-3 times as many hairs on the upper lid as on the lower lid and they are also about 2-4 mm longer. However, you usually cannot see any recognizable differences or gaps with the naked eye. This is because each hair is in its own growth phase. Conversely, this also means that each hair reacts differently to external help. So how can we stimulate and support growth? 

02 External support - How does a Lash Serum work?

Hardly any other beauty product has experienced as much hype in recent years as Lash Serum. But what is really behind it and is it really worth all the hype? 

Unlike external eyelash extensions, the target of this miracle product is not the already formed eyelash, but the hair root under the skin. Using apply like a decorative eyeliner, the Actives penetrate deep into the hair follicles and activate various receptors. Messenger substances are released. These give the clear signal: eyelashes, all power ahead, now it's time to grow! The hairs are strengthened from below, so to speak, break off less quickly and enjoy particular vitality. The excessive loss of eyelashes is thus reduced and the general lifespan of the hairs is extended thanks to the valuable supply of nutrients. 

Just as we pamper our scalp hair with different care products, the hair around our eyes also deserves special attention. But of course, not all eyelash serums can be lumped together! 

There are manufacturers who use artificial hormones and those who clearly decide against these ingredients. What does this mean for the effectiveness and how can I recognize these chemical messengers?

03 Prostaglandins - Why is long-term use not advisable?

Prostaglandins were originally used to treat glaucoma, also better known as glaucoma. They are administered in the form of eye drops to reduce intraocular pressure. However, a side effect was discovered in the patients affected. Their eyelashes became significantly thicker and fuller. Various cosmetics manufacturers did not hesitate for long and took advantage of this phenomenon. The prostaglandins were quickly processed and marketed in eyelash serums. You can recognize this ingredient class roughly by the syllable "prost". 

Common examples are 

  • Bimatoprost
  • Isopropyl cloprostenate
  • Dechloro-dihydroxy-difluoro-ethylcloprostenolamide
  • Methylamido-dihydro-noralfaprostal

However, as is so often the case in the world of Actives, the dosage makes all the difference. Medicinal eye drops usually have a concentration of 0.005%, whereas the value in eyelash serums can easily rise to 0.02%. The instructions for use also vary greatly for these two products. The instructions for the eye drops clearly state that they should only be applied to the eye once a day. And only one drops. The duration of use is specified by the doctor responsible. 

Cosmetics manufacturers, however, like to be brief and are often content to simply refer to "daily use". Unfortunately, this freedom should be treated with caution. The tissue hormone also has its downsides if used incorrectly or for too long. Melanin is increasingly formed at the points of use, which can lead to discoloration of the iris. Inflammation and irritation can occur and the cornea of the eye can be damaged in the long term. For this reason, the use of these hormones in cosmetic products is already banned in various countries, but derivatives of the substance are not subject to the same safety regulations and therefore often slip into a gray area of the system. 

For us, these were all clear reasons to design our junglück Lash Serum without hormones. We have found a different, more skin- and eye-friendly solution....

04 The junglück Lash Serum - Ingredients 

Our Lash Serum is impressive thanks to its natural complex of Coffeine, myristoyl pentapeptide-17 and beet extract. The concentrated power of nature! Of course, it is hormone-free, vegan and particularly kind to you and your skin :) !


Our daily stimulant not only boosts our energy supply, but also that of the hair follicles by promoting blood circulation, making it easier for essential nutrients to reach the roots.

Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17

Sounds more abstract than it is! This is a protein complex that consists of several natural amino acids and has a stimulating effect on the hair root.  

Beet extract 

A real vitamin star, and not just as a food! Beet extract is full of important nutrients. Ascorbic acid, B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus. They give the hair strength and make eyelashes and eyebrows noticeably more resistant. 


05 No pain, no gain - The right application 

Step 01 cleanser

The most important thing is to cleanse your skin thoroughly before applying the serum apply . Only when your lash line is completely free of oily creams or make-up residue can the hair roots absorb the nutrients of the eyelash serum properly. 

Step 02 Application

A small, firm brush is attached to the lid of our eyelash serum. This allows you to apply the serum very precisely apply. To do this, gently run the brush soaked in serum along your lash line. Swipe the brush along the bottle once before use and apply it like an eyeliner. Be careful not to get anything in your eyes.

Wait a few seconds so that the serum can absorb well. Then apply your Eye Cream apply ! 


If any serum gets into your eye, rinse it out thoroughly with clean water. If irritation occurs, it is best to seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

The first results can be seen after approx. 2-8 weeks. As every organism functions slightly differently, the nutrients and Actives are also absorbed and processed by the body at different speeds. No pain, no gain - with an extra portion of patience and reliable application, nothing stands in the way of a stunning look! If necessary, you can also use AM and PM !


Can I use the Lash Serum during pregnancy and breastfeeding? 

The JUNGLÜCK Lash Serum does not contain any hormones or unnecessary additives. We have made a conscious decision to do this, even though there are several studies that confirm the safety of eyelash serums containing hormones. However, we think: "Why use hormones when there are other and better ways?" Especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, we should pay attention to what we feed our body from the outside and inside. You can therefore also use Lash Serum without hormones during this time. For more information or if you have any concerns, we recommend consulting your doctor.

Click here to go directly to Lash Serum!

See for yourself and give your eyelashes some love & care :) !

Your Sophia

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