The difference between women's and men's skin

March 18, 2020

The difference between women's and men's skin

by Leonie Poppe

Huh, where has the men's skin care set gone? Ha, gotcha! We've taken it out of the range. And now all the men are like: Why?
We like to keep everything nice and simple, so our reason is also very simple: Because all our products and all sets can be used by men as well as women.


It is true that there are differences in the structure of men's and women's skin. Nevertheless, our products always do their best, no matter who is in the skin they are Moisturize. The basic needs and requirements of men's and women's skin vary more or less. But this is also the case with the needs of different skin types. So it's important to know your skin type and what your skin needs to look healthy and radiant - whether you're male or female.


Hormones are a decisive lever in the constitution of our skin. Whether we are prone to blemishes or whether the elasticity of our tissue diminishes sooner or later (sometimes unfortunately sooner than later *sigh*). However, the hormone testosterone plays an important role not only in men, but also in women. The presence of testosterone - and at the same time the absence of it - has a strong effect on the appearance of our skin. 



Generally speaking, men have higher testosterone levels and therefore have 15 to 20% thicker skin than women. They have a higher proportion of collagen and are therefore lucky enough to be blessed with greater elasticity and more robust skin. Their skin support structure is therefore more stable. However, the flip side of the coin is a higher number of sebaceous glands and therefore more oily skin. Men are therefore more prone to blemishes. In addition to the skin, hormones also influence hair growth. Men's skin can be affected by frequent shaving to face and therefore needs a lot of attention. You're probably familiar with this.


Let's summarize: Men's and women's skin basically have exactly the same needs. It therefore makes little sense to sell men different products. However, men's skin tends to have special needs. But at the end of the day, the skin type is the deciding factor. Because every person has their own individual skin type and therefore their own individual skin care requirements.


In my circle of friends, the topic of skincare is also becoming increasingly important and discussed in detail among men. There is a growing awareness that men's skin also has certain needs and requires attention. As a pharmacist in particular, I am still often asked about skincare for typical male skin. Then I like to recommend products that do one thing above all: Moisturize. Rich creams are often - especially at a younger age - a bit "too much" due to the high sebum production of male skin. However, serums with hyaluronic acid are particularly suitable. The junglück Hyaluron Concentrate would therefore be a great companion that men can make good use of in their skincare routine.


At as needed I also recommend using fruit acid 2-3 times a week peeling. It is a wonderful addition to moisturizers and can also have many benefits for men. Especially in the case of impurities, or against oily shine to face is a AHA peeling is ideal. The liquid combination of alpha hydroxy acids and Salicylic Acid gives the skin a noticeably new and soft feel. Important for you men: never apply peeling to irritated skin directly after shaving. It burns! This is because the top layer of skin is also removed during wet shaving. This makes proper care afterwards all the more important.


If you have one or two areas of dry skin, you can confidently use a richer day or night cream. As I said, it all depends on the individual's skin type and whether the skin can tolerate a little more care, especially in winter. Another very important point concerns UV protection. I say it to all customers, male and female: sun screen is the be-all and end-all. And yes, even in the gray season. The radiation that affects the skin is much lower than in midsummer, but especially when products such as Retinal cream, AHA peeling or Vitamin C serum are used, I would definitely recommend using a day cream with UV protection.


Incidentally, unnecessary additives also include fragrances, whether of natural or synthetic origin. Essential oils fragrances, for example, can have a high irritant potential. We want to avoid this at all costs. So don't worry - you won't smell flowery or fruity. Just fresh and well-groomed. So men: on with the care, get set, go!

Feel free to write me your thoughts and feedback on the topic. I look forward to hearing from you!

junglücksgefühle for everyone

Your Leonie 

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