Vitamin C for the skin - effects and tips for correct application

March 20, 2020

Vitamin C for the skin - effects and tips for correct application

by Lena Severin

Vitamin Cor ascorbic acid in technical terms, has now established itself as one of the favorite active ingredients in cosmetics solid . And rightly so! This is because the vitamin is not only an important nutrient for our body through food intake, but also has a number of benefits for our skin when applied externally. In this article, we take a closer look at the long-lasting active ingredient:


  1. What is Vitamin C?
  2. Effect: What does Vitamin C do for the skin?
  3. The skin type question: is Vitamin C good for all skin types?
  4. Which form of Vitamin C is most suitable?
  5. How do you use the Vitamin C serums?

Vitamin C Intensive serum
30 ml

Helps to lighten pigmentation marks and spots on your skin

39,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

1.330,00 € / 1l

Vitamin C Sensitive serum
30 ml

Gives you a radiant & even complexion

32,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

1.096,67 € / 1l

Vitamin C Intensive serum
5 ml

Helps to lighten pigmentation marks and spots on your skin

3,00 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

600,00 € / 1l

Vitamin C Sensitive serum
5 ml

Gives you a radiant & even complexion

3,00 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

600,00 € / 1l

Bestseller set

Provides you with the popular active ingredients hyaluronic acid & Vitamin C

106,70 € 100,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

5% set discount
Glow & Go Combo
1+1 Combi

Offers you quick care with Vitamin C & hyaluronic acid

66,80 € 62,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

balanced skin Set

Keeps your skin balanced with moisture & light care

126,60 € 119,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

Beginner Set

Offers every skin type a base with cleanser, serum & care

96,70 € 90,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

5% set discount
Sunny & Care Combo
1+1 Combi

Protects and nourishes your skin for a well-groomed glow

68,80 € 64,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

Sold out
Trial size

Offers every skin type a base with cleanser, serum & care

9,00 € 8,00 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

Bestseller sample set
Trial size

Provides you with the popular active ingredients hyaluronic acid & Vitamin C

9,00 € 8,00 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

Eye Cream
20 ml

Provides plenty of moisture and makes your eye area glow

39,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

1.995,00 € / 1l

Enzyme peeling
30 g

Gently removes skin flakes & evens out the complexion

31,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

1.063,33 € / 1kg

Vitamin C ampoules
14 x 1 ml

Reduces wrinkles & pigmentation spots with 15% pure Vitamin C

39,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

2.850,00 € / 1l

Vitamin C serum Intensive & Sensitive

1. what is Vitamin C?

Basically, Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for us. We need it to survive and for all kinds of functions in our body. Naturally also for healthy skin. Vitamin C plays a decisive role in the formation of collagen, proteins and fats. This is because humans cannot produce Vitamin C themselves and cannot store it over a longer period of time. We are therefore dependent on external sources. The regular intake of Vitamin C via food or dietary supplements is essential for us.

If Vitamin C is lacking in our organism and therefore in our skin, it appears pale and saggy. So it's perfect that we can also use Vitamin C in the form of creams and serums directly where we want it apply . And that brings us to what is probably the most exciting topic: the effect of Vitamin C on our skin.

Vitamin C serum Texture in the macro

2. effect: What does Vitamin C do for the skin?

The benefits of this essential vitamin are manifold. Depending on the concentration, it is a real skincare benefit for all skin types - with very few exceptions.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant

Vitamin C is one of the best-known antioxidants. Its antioxidant effect protects the skin from free radicals. These radicals are produced during metabolic processes in our body by cigarette smoke, smog and UV radiation, for example. In their search for reaction partners, they destroy everything that gets in their way. This includes innocent skin cells and their components. Vitamin C acts as a shield to protect our skin from damage. It remains healthy and its protective barrier is strengthened.

Vitamin C Stabilizes the collagen scaffold

This is where Vitamin C can score twice. Firstly, through its antioxidant effect and secondly, by boosting collagen production. It strengthens the existing structure, creates even more stability and is even involved in the formation of vitamin E. Vitamin E also tightens the skin and keeps it elastic. The skin appears plumper, firmer and small wrinkles disappear. You can see exactly how this happens here in the graphic:

The anti-inflammatory effect of Vitamin C on blemished skin and acne
Vitamin C gets to the root of the problem. This is because micro-inflammations, which play a major role in the development of blemishes, spots and acne, are effectively soothed by the antioxidant. The anti-inflammatory properties noticeably refines the appearance of the skin. Redness is reduced and pimple marks heal more quickly. The formation of new spots is also slowed down. The skin looks radiant, healthier and more even.

Vitamin C for pigment and sun spots

Several studies show that Vitamin C inhibits excessive melanin formation in the skin and lightens existing spots. It therefore provides double protection thanks to its antioxidant effect. Pigmentation is caused by the oxidation of a certain amino acid. This produces melanin. The cells in the outermost layer of the skin absorb this melanin and Protect protect themselves from UV radiation through the brownish discoloration.

Sunlight on the skin

3. the skin type question: is Vitamin C good for all skin types?

A resounding yes! Because we need Vitamin C in our body and in our skin to feel healthy and look radiant. It is significantly involved in important processes in our body and also helps to maintain the skin's natural functions. So, whether you have blemished, mature or balanced skin skin - every skin type can benefit from the many advantages of this multi-talented ingredient. As long as the concentration of Vitamin C is designed for compatibility, even sensitive skin.

If you smoke, for example, I would even strongly recommend it. Because the Vitamin C requirement of smokers increases drastically. It can be up to 50% higher compared to non-smokers. Even just one cigarette causes the body to lose Vitamin C and therefore also the skin.

4 Which form of ascorbic acid is most suitable?

Vitamin C is not the same as Vitamin C. In any case, pay attention to the form in which the Vitamin C is present in the product of your choice and, above all, in what concentration.

Ascorbic acid: pure Vitamin C effect

Ascorbic acid, i.e. pure Vitamin C, is the most effective form. However, depending on the sensitivity of the skin, it can also be irritating Treat, as it is very acidic compared to pH-neutral Vitamin C derivatives. It is also very susceptible to oxidation. Once exposed to air, it quickly loses its effect. And due to the water-soluble properties it cannot be processed well in creams. This is why you will find Vitamin C or pure ascorbic acid mainly in serums, ampoules or powdered products. But be careful: do not use too often and preferably not on sensitive skin.

Because the effect itself is still great, we use pure L-ascorbic acid in our Vitamin C ampoules . The airtight ampoule ensures that the active ingredient is completely preserved for the single dose. And because of the small quantity and direct consumption, we can also do without silicones or microplastics, which are otherwise often used in products that are not hermetically sealed because the Vitamin C is enclosed in them and protected from oxidation.

We also use it in powder form in our enzyme peeling. Here, Vitamin C is present as a raw material in crystalline solid form. It is therefore optimally protected from oxidation as long as it does not come into contact with water. The fact that our enzyme peeling is a dry, anhydrous powder means that Vitamin C is only activated by contact with water during application and therefore retains its full effect on the skin.


Reduces wrinkles & pigmentation spots with 15% pure Vitamin C


Ascorbyl glucoside: Stable derivative for serums & creams

Vitamin C is also available in other dosage forms, such as ascorbyl glucoside, a water-soluble derivative of Vitamin C and much more stable than pure Vitamin C. As a compound of ascorbic acid and glucose, ascorbyl glucoside provides a very pleasant serum texture and is therefore considered the gold standard among the Vitamin C derivatives.

Ascorbyl glucoside is a precursor of the actual active form and is only converted in the skin. In contrast to ascorbic acid, ascorbyl glucoside acts in the pH-neutral skin area. Ascorbic acid, on the other hand, can only develop its full effect if the product is formulated in the pH range of 3.0-3.5. This acidic pH-value can sometimes be irritating Treat. This allows for a particularly skin-friendly application and less irritation, which is why it can also be used without hesitation on sensitive skin. Sensitive skin also benefits from the antioxidant glow effect of vitamin C.

Ascorbyl glucoside is therefore particularly great for you if you have little or no experience with Vitamin C . And of course, if you prefer a mild serum . That's why we also use it in our Vitamin C Sensitive serum and our Eye Cream


Gives you a radiant & even complexion


Provides plenty of moisture and makes your eye area glow


Ethyl ascorbic acid: Intensive effect for advanced users

If you have already tried Vitamin C and would like to test the next level for your skin, ethyl ascorbic acid is the right choice. It is also a derivative and comes very close to pure ascorbic acid in terms of its effect, but is significantly more stable and also works in the less acidic pH range of the skin. This makes it more tolerable for your skin. Studies have shown that it increases collagen synthesis, protects against free radicals and reduces pigmentation spots.

Another advantage of ethyl ascorbic acid is that it is hydrophilic (water-loving) and lipophilic (fat-loving), which means that the different molecules of this Vitamin C derivative can be better absorbed by the skin.

This is why we have also opted for it in our Vitamin C Intensive serum . At a correspondingly high intensity of 10%, you can lighten spots and pigmentation marks, boost your skin's collagen production and protect it from oxidative stress & photo-aging Protect. For a fresh complexion and plumper skin.


Helps to lighten pigmentation marks and spots on your skin

5. how do you use the Vitamin C serums?

Layering step Treat

You generally use our serums in the third step of your skincare routine: Treat. This means that you have already cleansed your skin and, if necessary, applied a toner applied. 

You can always use Vitamin C Sensitiv serum at AM and / or PM . If you use AM , it can develop its antioxidant effect throughout the day and ward off environmental influences and free radicals. Important: sun screen because this is the only way to really protect your skin efficiently.

Ideally, you should use Vitamin C Intensive serum in the evening. Your skin can absorb and process the powerful active ingredient particularly well overnight. You will wake up the next morning with a wonderful glow. But the same applies here: protect your skin with the right Sun care

Apply your serum to your forehead, cheeks and chin. 2-3 drops are enough for your face. If you like, treat your neck and décolleté at the same time. Once it has been well absorbed, you can continue with your skincare routine as usual. It is best to store your Vitamin C serums in a cool, dark and tightly sealed place.

Sun is not always fun - sun screen is a must!

As I have mentioned a few times before, I cannot say it often enough in connection with the active ingredient Vitamin C : provide your skin with an additional sun screen of at least SPF 30, as your skin will react even more sensitively to UV radiation if you use Vitamin C . Especially in higher concentrations, ascorbic acid exfoliating (similar to a AHA peeling ). This means that the outermost horny layer dissolves and releases fresh cells. And young skin cannot yet defend itself against the sun Protect and urgently needs support.

The combination of Vitamin C and sun screen is also doubly beneficial for your skin, as Vitamin C can improve the effect of your sunscreen by neutralizing free radicals.

So don't forget your sunscreen!

Care with Vitamin C

Can I combine the Vitamin C serums and other Vitamin C products with other products?

Our Vitamin C products can be combined well with other active ingredients and products from our range. Simultaneous use of Vitamin C and additional vitamins and antioxidants is even recommended. For example, you can effectively combine our Vitamin C Sensitiv serum with our hyaluronic acid Concentrate or one of our hyaluronic creams in combination.

In general, however, you can always check the description on our product detail pages to see if there is anything to consider when combining with other products.

Are you curious now? Then you are sure to find the perfect Vitamin C product for your skin in our selection. And if not, please contact our customer service or get personal advice right away! 

Vitamin C Intensive serum
30 ml

Helps to lighten pigmentation marks and spots on your skin

39,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

1.330,00 € / 1l

Vitamin C Sensitive serum
30 ml

Gives you a radiant & even complexion

32,90 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

1.096,67 € / 1l

Vitamin C Intensive serum
5 ml

Helps to lighten pigmentation marks and spots on your skin

3,00 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

600,00 € / 1l

Vitamin C Sensitive serum
5 ml

Gives you a radiant & even complexion

3,00 €

incl. VAT, plus shipping

600,00 € / 1l