Baby reaches for the Baby Oil bottle that the mother is holding.

November 19, 2020

Baby Oil - Skin care and massage for child and parents

by Leonie Poppe

Find out more in this article about our Baby Oil and why a regular massage for the little ones is so valuable. 

The new Baby Oil from junglück is one of five new products in our baby care range. That's why I want to give you a closer look at this great product in this article today and explain exactly why the Baby Oil is so beautiful and what thoughts we have put into it. 

  1. The ingredients and their effect  
  2. Application - More than just skin care
  3. Baby massage - 4 valuable tips for preparation and performance 
  4. Baby Oil as care for adults
  5. What else should I bear in mind?  

1. the ingredients and their effects 

To begin with, I would like to go into each ingredient individually to give you an overview of what is in our Baby Oil and, above all, why! Naturally, the oil is fragrance-free, palm oil-free and 100% plant-based. It therefore contains no mineral oils or similar. It also has a very high organic content of 99.7%. 

  • Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil - sweet almond oil (organic)
  • Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil - Apricot kernel oil (organic)
  • Oenothera Biennis Oil - Evening primrose oil (organic)
  • Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil - Sesame oil (organic)
  • Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil - Jojoba Oil (kbA)
  • Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract - Calendula extract (kbA)
  • Tocopherol - Vitamin E 
  • Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil - Sunflower oil 

Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil - sweet almond oil (organic)

The basis of our baby oil is a high-quality organic sweet almond oil. It is particularly important to us that it is a very well tolerated and rich oil, which has proven itself in baby care and is also well tolerated by sensitive baby skin. 

Our Almond Oil is obtained by mechanical cold pressing from the ripe and shell-free seeds of the sweet almond. The almonds come from controlled organic cultivation in Spain and Italy. 

Sweet almond oil is generally very rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid and is therefore ideal for skin care. It penetrates the skin well and moisturizes it. It can soothe irritations Treat and smoothes rough and flaky areas. As it can be warmed very easily in the hands, it is also ideal for massage. 

Prunus Armeniaca Kernel Oil - Apricot kernel oil (organic)

Cold-pressed organic apricot kernel oil is also rich in unsaturated fatty acids. The oleic acid it contains is particularly valuable for skin care, as our body cannot produce it itself. It helps the skin to retain moisture better and therefore also protects delicate and thin baby skin from drying out. 

Oenothera Biennis Oil - Evening primrose oil (organic) 

Evening primrose oil is obtained from the tiny black seeds of the evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) and is characterized by a high proportion (approx. 88%) of essential fatty acids (including linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids). Essential fatty acids are essential building blocks for the synthesis of phospholipids, from which the membranes of skin cells are formed. Studies have shown that linoleic and gamma-linolenic acids are incorporated into the lipid structures of the skin when applied topically and regenerate them. Baby skin that is particularly sensitive or prone to neurodermatitis can benefit from the power of nature.  

Sesamum Indicum Seed Oil - Sesame oil (organic)

Sesame oil is obtained from the ripe seeds of Sesamum indicum L.. By pressing and subsequent refining, we obtain a rich and fatty oil. It also prevents the skin from drying out and makes it supple. But especially because sesame oil has a long tradition as a massage oil in Ayurvedic medicine, among other things, we have integrated it into our Baby Oil as a support. We don't want to miss out on the positive effects of what is probably the oldest oil plant in the world!

Simmondsia Chinensis Seed Oil - Jojoba Oil (kbA)

Jojoba Oil chemically speaking, jojoba is actually a liquid wax that is obtained from the seeds of a desert plant (Simmondsia chinensis) by cold pressing. The jojoba bushes come from organic farming. Jojoba Oil is rich in vitamin E, absorbs well into the skin and is also very well tolerated. Ideal for baby skin!

You can find out more about Jojoba Oil here: WHICH JUNGLÜCK OIL MAKES THE RACE FOR YOU?

Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract - Calendula extract

This is a waxy extract produced by CO2 extraction from the organic flowers of Marigold (Calendula officinalis). 

The secondary plant substances it contains, e.g. flavonoids, have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The extract also contains phytosterols, carotenoids and cuticular waxes. Thanks to its unique composition, marigold extract has a wound-healing effect on the skin, antioxidative and calming. The extract is therefore very effective in the care of dry, rough and flaky skin. In baby care products, calendula extract protects the skin from becoming sore, even in the diaper area.

Tocopherol - Vitamin E 

Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is a yellowish, fat-soluble vitamin that is particularly abundant in cereal germ oils (e.g. wheat germ and maize germ oil). Vitamin E protects vegetable oils and fats from destruction by oxygen (oxidation). In cosmetics, vitamin E is mostly used in the form of its stable esters. Depending on the concentration used, vitamin E acetate protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals, moisturizes the skin and smoothes the skin's texture.

Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil - Sunflower oil 

In our case, sunflower oil only serves as a carrier oil for the fat-soluble vitamin E!
It is therefore only present in small quantities in our Baby Oil . However, it is also a very compatible and soothing oil, which is often used as a carrier oil in cosmetics due to its neutral Odour .

The Baby Oil can be kept unopened for 1 year and opened for approx. 6 months. As always, it is important to protect the product from excessive heat and moisture Protect. 

2nd application - More than just skin care 

Our Baby Oil can be used for various purposes. Of course, it cares for the skin of young and old alike. The oil is also ideal for dry and sensitive adult skin. But it can also do more. For example, it is suitable for cleanser the diaper area of babies and toddlers because it is so gentle and mild, does not irritate the skin and, unlike drying surfactants, provides the skin with nutrients at the same time. 

It also offers the wonderful opportunity for a bonding massage for your baby. But even for older children, spending time together can strengthen the relationship between parents and children. 

3. baby massage - 4 valuable tips for preparation and implementation 

In the first few weeks after birth, babies experience their environment primarily through touch. Physical closeness to mother and father is essential for the child's good development. So it's all the nicer to give your little rascal a pampering massage from head to toe from time to time to strengthen the bond. 

It's a wonderful way to welcome the new family member into the world and give him or her your undivided attention. 

These moments not only help the baby to feel and grasp its own body, they also help the parents to get to know their child better and to be able to sense its needs. It also serves to calm and relax everyone involved and allows the little one to process all the impressions and build up self-confidence in a pleasant atmosphere. 

The gentle massage movements stimulate blood circulation in the skin and help to distribute nutrients well, which in turn promotes development. It can also alleviate digestive problems such as cramps, abdominal pain and constipation. A wonderful ritual for the whole family.  

4. Baby Oil as care for adults

Incidentally, Baby Oil is also wonderfully suitable for the care of adult skin. The valuable nutrients contained in the various components provide your skin with deep nourishment. 

And this is how you can use it for yourself: 

  • For extensive Bodycare after the shower
  • For pleasant massages that you either give yourself or have someone else pamper you with
  • As a bath additive for a smooth skin experience 
  • As a rich addition to your body lotion or also the baby lotionMix a few drops of the baby oil with the body lotion in your hand and massage the mixture in gently. 
  • As an intensive hand mask: pamper your hands with this intensive oil, especially in winter. Spread it generously between your hands and put on cotton gloves to leave it on overnight. 

Whether summer or winter, Baby Oil is a real all-rounder that keeps your skin supple and moisturized. And we love it when products are so versatile. An oil for the whole family, so to speak! 

5. valuable tips for preparation and implementation - making the time together something very special 

When - the right time 

Up to the 8th week of life, it should be gentle strokes. From the 8th week onwards, you can then switch to a light massage.
Find the right time so that the time together is enjoyable and relaxing for everyone involved. Your baby should be full, but their tummy shouldn't be too full either. Around 30 minutes after the last meal is often ideal. Of course, it is also important that the child is not too tired and also wants a massage session. You will quickly develop a feeling for when a massage is appropriate and when it may simply not be suitable. Of course, you don't have to feel obliged to do this. It's important that you also feel like it and can and want to take the time to do it. Don't rush it.

Where - the right environment and temperature 

Lay your baby on a soft, comfortable surface and preferably only undress them in the areas you want to massage. If you want to give a full body massage, make sure that the room temperature is around 25 degrees. This will protect the little body from hypothermia and create a cozy atmosphere. 

How - The right movements

You will probably instinctively make gentle, light movements and this is especially good for the little ones. Observe your child, always maintain eye contact and see what he/she likes and where he/she can relax. The important thing is not to force anything and always look after the well-being of everyone involved. Don't be afraid to really touch and hold your baby, it won't break! :) 

Warm your hands slightly beforehand by rubbing them together and use a massage oil to allow your hands to glide over the skin without resistance. 

It is best to massage the abdomen with circular movements in a clockwise direction. In this way, air bubbles can be easily massaged away by following the course of the intestines, providing relief from flatulence, for example. This massage can be wonderfully extended to the chest area.

The arms and legs can easily be kneaded lightly between the hands using opposite movements. You can use your thumb to smooth out the feet and hands from the middle to the individual fingers and toes.

Of course, there are many other options and variations on how you can pamper your baby with a massage. I recommend talking to your midwife or perhaps even attending a baby massage course. 

How long? - The right duration 

At the beginning, in the first few days after the birth, it is advisable to keep the massage rather short. Five minutes of stroking feet or hands is often enough, as the baby is still very busy processing all the impressions of the birth and the new life, and too long and intensive a massage can overwhelm your child. Later on, an extensive massage can take up to 20 minutes. Depending on the needs of everyone involved. 

4 What else should I bear in mind? 

I would also like to point out that you should not only use oils on your baby's skin and indeed your own skin Moisturize . A skincare routine that only consists of oils can dry out the skin in the long term. This is due to the fact that like dissolves in like and therefore the oil can dissolve important lipids and other fat-soluble components from the skin over time. 

So make sure you also use other ingredients when caring for your child in between . Aloe vera and glycerine can be a good addition here. But of course, nourishing the skin with great plant-based oils has long been a tradition and has proven itself time and time again in baby care. So enjoy your time together with your baby and use the power of nature to make you and your little one feel good!

If you have any suggestions or questions, please send me an e-mail or leave a comment. I look forward to hearing from you! 

The Baby Oil

Go directly to the product here and find more information.

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Take care 


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2 Aro AA, Perez MO, Vieira CP, Esquisatto MA, Rodrigues RA, Gomes L, Pimentel ER. Effect of Calendula officinalis cream on achilles tendon healing. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2015 Feb;298(2):428-35. doi: 10.1002/ar.23057. Epub 2014 Oct 12. PMID: 25266273.

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4 Lin TK, Zhong L, Santiago JL. Anti-Inflammatory and Skin Barrier Repair Effects of Topical Application of Some Plant Oils. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 27;19(1):70. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010070. PMID: 29280987; PMCID: PMC5796020.

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