Hibernating skin - How do we get the spring glow?

We are delighted to share our new podcast episode with you today, which is all about how we can awaken our skin from "hibernation". Especially now, when the weather can't quite decide whether it's still winter or already spring. Social Media Manager Marie talks to our skincare expert and customer advisor Michael - the first consultation in podcast format :-).

Michael explains how our skin shuts down its functions in colder temperatures, how we can boost them again and which JUNGLÜCK skincare routine we can use to achieve our long-awaited spring glow. In the podcast, Michael addresses the following questions:

  • Does our skin really go into a kind of hibernation?
  • What can we do to support our skin during the transition to spring?
  • What does a suitable skincare routine look like? Which Actives and products do you recommend?
  • What's your favorite way to cleanse your face?
  • What are our moisturizing boosters for the skin?

We are also available on all other podcast platforms! Just enter "Junglück - sustainable, natural & healthy". We hope you enjoy listening to us!

Topics of future podcast episodes

We have come up with a number of topics for the coming months, including healthy & beautiful skin, the team behind JUNGLÜCK , the cause and treatment of various skin conditions and, of course, sustainability and social responsibility.

Look forward to new presenters, interview partners and experts from various fields such as dermatology and holistic medicine.

We hope you enjoy listening to the episode and would be delighted if you let us know in the comments how you liked it and what you took away from it.