JUNGLÜCK is PETA-certified - Interview with Judith Schefzyk from PETA

We are absolutely delighted that we are now officially a PETA-certified company! 🎉 In this podcast, you can find out exactly what this is all about, what we have done to obtain the certificate and, above all, how you can recognize animal-free products. For support, we have Judith Schefzyk, Marketing Manager of the Beauty without Bunnies Program of PETA Deutschland e. V.

  • What exactly is PETA's goal?
  • What different certifications does PETA offer for which areas?
  • How long is such a certificate valid for? Is the company audited regularly?
  • Can a certificate also be revoked?
  • Animal testing in cosmetics has been banned in the EU since 2013 anyway. So why do we still need a certification that confirms exactly that?
  • What requirements must a cosmetics brand fulfill in order to receive your certification?
  • What alternatives are there to animal testing? How does PETA see the future development?

We are also available on all other podcast platforms! Just enter "Junglück - sustainable, natural & healthy". We hope you enjoy listening to us!

Topics of future podcast episodes

We have come up with a number of topics for the coming months, including healthy & beautiful skin, the team behind JUNGLÜCK , the cause and treatment of various skin conditions and, of course, sustainability and social responsibility.

Look forward to new presenters, interview partners and experts from various fields such as dermatology and holistic medicine.

We hope you enjoy listening to the episode and would be delighted if you let us know in the comments how you liked it and what you took away from it.