Perioral dermatitis is caused by the excessive use of certain skin care products. This seems paradoxical, as we only want to do something good for our skin with moisturizer creams. However, the excessive use of certain care products makes the skin intolerant to certain ingredients.
Instead of well-moisturized skin, red, itchy and burning areas develop around the mouth - so-called oral rosacea. We tell you what the rash to face is all about and how you can best prevent perioral dermatitis.
What is perioral dermatitis?
Perioral dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition caused by over-care of the skin with cosmetic products. The rash to face usually affects young women who apply make-up every day, which is why perioral dermatitis is popularly known as the stewardess disease.
Although the causes are not clear, dermatologists believe that the rash around the mouth is triggered by the excessive use of irritating skin care products.
The first measure for those affected: even more care. Here we reveal why this can quickly worsen the symptoms and how you can best support your skin with perioral dermatitis.
Red rash to face: symptoms of perioral dermatitis
The symptoms of perioral dermatitis can vary depending on the severity and origin. Classically, small inflammatory papules and pustules form around the mouth (perioral). However, the symptoms can also become more widespread and affect the eyelids, chin, forehead and cheeks.
The most common symptoms of oral rosacea are
- Red rash to face
- Blood vessel dilatation
- Skin-colored papules
- Pimples around the mouth
- Flaky skin
- Inflamed lips and red border
The disruption of the skin barrier dries out the skin and causes a burning sensation and a feeling of tightness.
Whether perioral dermatitis on the eye or perioral dermatitis on the chin - the most obvious signs are red pimples and pustules that are accompanied by a distinct feeling of tightness. If the areas of the face that you care for particularly intensively are affected, this is a clear sign of the skin disease.
Cause of perioral dermatitis: excessive skin care as a trigger
The most common cause of perioral dermatitis is over-care of the skin. Those affected usually find themselves in a kind of "vicious circle". In order to alleviate the symptoms of dry and flaky skin, they Moisturize it even more. This leads to over-moisturizing the skin.
This means that our skin becomes dependent on the products and reacts intolerantly to certain ingredients. The high moisture content of the products causes the horny layer to swell and damages the skin barrier. This creates a perfect breeding ground for further inflammatory processes.
Expert tip: Less is more. If you notice the first signs of skin irritation, reduce your skincare routine to zero to allow your skin barrier to regenerate.
Perioral dermatitis treatment: success with zero therapy
The good news is that perioral dermatitis is not contagious. It is also not chronic and can usually be cured with consistent (non-)treatment. What do you need for this? Nothing. Except a lot of patience.
Perioral dermatitis: what helps quickly?
Oral rosacea is not an allergy to individual substances, but a general hypersensitivity caused by too many cosmetics. Most products today easily contain up to 30 ingredients. Added to this is a propagated complex care routine. This can easily add up to over 100 ingredients AM .
A veritable sensory overload that simply overwhelms your skin. In the end, it resists everything and goes on strike.
The consistent solution: set your skincare routine to zero!
What's good for your skin now - The comfort of doing nothing
The optimal perioral dermatitis treatment is restfor the skin. This is why the dermatologist usually prescribes so-called zero therapy for oral erysipelas treatment. What is behind it?
Quite simply: cosmetic abstinence. However, just like a relaxing beach vacation, relaxation only sets in once all the stress is out of your system.
Your skin will probably deteriorateat first. Due to the lack of moisturizer the skin often starts to
- to stretch,
- to scale
- or feels extremely dry.
In this phase, the over-nourished and swollen horny layer dries out. dry skin around the mouth is a common symptom of this type of "withdrawal".
The good thing about this is that it deprives your skin of any breeding ground for harmful bacteria and prepares it to heal.
Depending on the severity, the aggravation can last around two weeks, but perseverance pays off. As soon as the first symptoms subside, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Your skin will regenerate and will usually have completely recovered after around 6 weeks. Now you can start using a few gentle skincare products again.
Dos and donts for zero therapy
Even if the cosmetic diet is not particularly pleasant, it is usually the only way to bring your skin back into balance.
So that you don't go down this path in vain and your patience pays off, the recommended Dos & Donts will give you a little help:
DOs of zero therapy |
DON'Ts of zero therapy |
Consistently avoiding cosmetic products containing fat and oil gives your skin time to regenerate. Ideally, only cleanse your face with clear, lukewarm water.
Be patient! It can take a few weeks for your skin to recover. In the first two weeks, you will often notice more redness. This is not a regression, but a positive sign that your skin is detoxifying. Remain consistent until the unloved redness has completely disappeared again.
Over-nourished skin: which skin care helps?
If zero therapy is not an option for you, then you at least need a new routine with products that are gentle on your skin. Important: test the products for a few days and monitor your skin closely to avoid further irritation or an intensification of perioral dermatitis.
Aloe vera as the basis of your reduced skin care
Perioral dermatitis to face can make the skin feel very tight. Hydrophilic skin care products with ingredients such as aloe vera can cool and soothe the skin. Make sure you use mild skin care products without additives or preservatives.
Less is definitely more in this case! After all, the skin's protective barrier is damaged and therefore the composition of fats and proteins is imbalanced. As a result, the skin loses more and more of its
- Water,
- Collagen
- and elastin.
The cells can only regenerate slowly and are exposed to external influences without protection, which particularly sensitive skin has to contend with.
Expert advice: We have the right mild care products in our range.
As a matter of principle, we do not use any synthetic fragrances, fillers or colorants, nor do we use irritating preservatives, surfactants or drying alcohols
Some of our products are based on the aloe vera plant, which is gentle on the skin and can strengthen the protective acid mantle.
This is what your care routine for perioral dermatitis could look like:
Morning cleanser: Cleanse your skin AM with lukewarm water (not too hot, not too cold) and gently pat dry with a Towel .
moisturizer: For an extra portion of moisture, you can apply a thin layer of our ALOE VERA gel and allow it to absorb well.
Evening cleanser: In the evening, use our gentle Cleansing Gelto free your face from "everyday dirt". Apply it with little friction, pay attention to the temperature of the water again and simply pat your face dry.
Take care of your skin with the motto: as much as necessary and as little as possible! Especially in professions where you have frequent customer contact or meetings, it is certainly difficult to do without make-up for the day.
Pay attention to the ingredients here too and wash the residue completely off your face in the evening. The treatment of perioral dermatitis on the nose in particular benefits from a deep-pore cleanser.
Once your skin has recovered and you feel that it is back in balance, you can slowly return to your skincare routine. However, replace irritating products with mild, low-irritant skincare products.
It is best to try out the products for one or two days a week first and observe how your skin copes with them. This will allow your skin to slowly get used to the skincare routine again and red spots on your skin will be a thing of the past. What you should not miss is the sun screen in the morning, as overexposed skin is also more sensitive to light.
Healing process of perioral dermatitis
The healing process for perioral dermatitis can vary greatly from patient to patient. Most sufferers experience a significant improvement within a few weeks with consistent zero therapy. During the healing process, it is advisable to gently Cleanse the skin regularly with lukewarm water and to avoid products that cause irritation. However, with patience and consistency, perioral dermatitis can usually be treated successfully.
Perioral dermatitis diet: our tips
Our eating habits have a major influence on the health of our skin. Skin diseases are often linked to food intolerances or food allergies. It is therefore worth taking a critical look at our current eating habits.
If foods that cause discomfort or worsen the condition are specifically identified, an improvement in the appearance of the skin can be achieved in the long term. A diet and symptoms diary will help you to find out which foods improve perioral dermatitis.
Below you will find tips for a wholesome and anti-inflammatory diet:
- Avoid foods high in sugar
- Limit processed foods
- Focus on fresh fruit and vegetables
- Drink enough water
- Focus on fats from healthy sources
- Avoid hot spices
- Watch out for allergens
- Reduce alcohol and Coffeine
- Consume fermented dairy products
- Consume omega-3 fatty acids
A diet that is as natural as possible and the avoidance of colorings, preservatives and other additives can promote a healthy immune system.
The intake of fermented milk products can have a positive effect on the balance of the intestinal flora, which is essential for our immune system, due to the Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria they contain. An adequate intake of vitamins and trace elements can have a preventive effect on our general health and well-being.
Conclusion on perioral dermatitis
Perioral dermatitis is usually only a temporary skin condition that is neither contagious nor dangerous. Thanks to an adapted diet and the temporary complete avoidance of cosmetics and care products, it is easy to treat yourself and usually heals completely within a few weeks.
FAQ on perioral dermatitis
Is perioral dermatitis contagious?
No, perioral dermatitis is not contagious and therefore does not spread to other areas of the skin.
Which cream helps with perioral dermatitis?
The best treatment for perioral dermatitis is so-called zero therapy. This involves avoiding all skin care products and creams until all symptoms have completely subsided.
Can aloe vera gel be apply to perioral dermatitis?
Yes, aloe vera gel can be applied to perioral dermatitis, as aloe vera is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve the symptoms of oral rosacea.