Being you suits you - more empowerment for everyone!

Being you suits you - the phrase that always characterizes March at JUNGLÜCK . And not just since this year. It is now accompanying us for the third time on the occasion of International Women's Day. And for the third time, I'm thinking about it. Safe to say: I've spent quite a lot of time with this phrase. And sometimes, in the daily background noise, you lose the sense of how special and meaningful this phrase actually is. This applies not only to these words, but to so much more. For people close to your heart, special days, gentle glances in the mirror and shouted I love you's. Not losing sight of the beauty in the everyday, the unspectacular and perhaps even the boring is an art in itself. While everything normal passes us by, life simply flows by and the day just happens, we forget far too often to stop for a moment, to wait, to breathe, to pause and to hold on to what is special about us: That we are just us. And that we are allowed to be.

Being yourself suits you - it's authentic, pure and effortless. That's how it should be when you are you. With all the facets, layers, corners, wrinkles, edges, scars, curves, thoughts and feelings that make you you. I know that very few people find it easy to accept themselves as they are. We are subject to many expectations, ideals, ideas and constraints. We allow ourselves to be constricted, trapped. We let our heads be turned, our authenticity taken away and somehow we no longer feel like ourselves, but trapped in constraints, obligations and pigeonholes.
Our bodies are marked by life. Many small traces that all tell their own story. Spots, freckles, wrinkles and fine lines, stretch marks, scars, dents and bumps. It is precisely these marks and their stories that we are focusing on this year.

International Women's Day 2023

Accepting ourselves, loving ourselves, feeling comfortable in our own body is a very powerful feeling. A feeling that gives us power, that encourages us to keep looking forward and frees us from ideals, constraints and expectations. Feeling comfortable in your own body is a powerful feeling that empowers us not to stop where our own skin ends.

Being yourself suits you - loving yourself is just the beginning.

We are under pressure. Not just for our bodies - there are standards and names, categories and pigeonholes for everything that we are expected to fit into at all costs. But do we even want to fit in? We don't need templates for being a woman.
Who says that women have to be delicate, yielding and always patient? Who says mothers can't be career-loving power women? Who says girls can't be skaters, fighters, CEOs or bricklayers? Who says that female bodies have to have a certain shape? And because feminism isn't just for women, who says that boys shouldn't dance ballet? That men are not allowed to cry and must always be strong? Who says that we have to restrict ourselves in order to fit in somewhere?

The truth is that we all just want to be ourselves without mercy or compromise. We want to be accepted and loved and to love ourselves as we are, from head to toe. And that's exactly what we all deserve. You deserve that.
We are well on the way to giving ourselves freedom and creating more space in which we can unfold, discover and develop. A lot is happening: inclusion, diversity, representation, acceptance and love - for everyone. And a lot still needs to be done.

Being you is yours - this should not only be a reminder for you to feel comfortable in your own skin, with your body, with your entire self, but also to give everyone else exactly this right. Because feeling comfortable in your own body, with your own self, is a powerful feeling. An empowering feeling. Let's use this power for something good: For more space, more acceptance, more love, more authenticity - just being more you. For everyone.