You can see the ingredients for a smoothie. Frozen raspberries in a bowl, almonds, aloe vera strips and dried rose petals.

A healthy and lively start to the new year - that's what most of us are aiming for. Especially after this wild 2020, we could all do with an invigorating kick-start and new energy, right? The start of the year is the perfect time to press the imaginary reset button. Fresh and balanced food for a beauty boost from the inside, particularly compatible and pure skincare from the outside - with this article we would like to support you in your personal detox program. Are you ready? Then let's go!

  1. Skindetox at the start of the year
  2. The skin - a multi-talent
  3. Detoxification via the liver, kidneys and skin
  4. Clean eating and pure care
  5. Skindetox set for your time out

1 Skindetox at the start of the year

Of course, it doesn't matter what time of year we take a healthy break and "detox" our body and mind. I deliberately put detox in quotation marks because your body transforms harmful substances every day, renders them harmless and flushes them out. But more on this further down in the text. 

And yet, in my opinion, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to take a conscious and mindful look at your diet and lifestyle and to really take care of yourself Moisturize. It feels like everything that was perceived as stressful in the old year has been ticked off. Habits that you want to say goodbye to because they are not good for you have no place in the new year.

I think you can compare good New Year's resolutions to moving into a new apartment: Before you move, you get rid of things that you no longer need. After all, you want to feel comfortable in your new home. In the same way, you want to feel great in your own body and in your own skin. That's why it's worth clearing out your fridge and beauty case.

This feeling in the new year, as if you were holding a blank sheet of paper in your hands on which you can now write your wishes and goals, can be used perfectly as motivation to actually implement your resolutions. A healthier lifestyle is at the top of many people's list for the new year. More sport, less sweets, more crunchy vegetables instead, bye, bye, vino ...! 

As someone with a real sweet tooth, for example, I really want to cut down on my sugar intake. Especially during the Christmas period and between the years, the sweet orgies got a bit out of hand. But I don't blame myself for this, because under pressure I tend to indulge in unhealthy foods even more uncontrollably. Maybe you feel the same way? 

Healthy nourishment for the nerves with the Junglück smoothie from Epi-Food. You can find the recipe in the eBook. 

My tip: Don't be so hard on yourself and accept your weaknesses with a smile. We all have rough edges and as soon as we accept them as part of ourselves, we relax inside. And life is simply more enjoyable when you are relaxed and relaxed. And yet it's worth consciously letting yourself go for once. 

And by that I don't mean sitting on the sofa and immersing yourself in a jungle of series with unhealthy snacks. I mean consciously supplying your body with important nutrients, relaxing your mind and giving your skin a break from the cosmetics overdose. It's not just your general well-being that benefits from a "clean" lifestyle. Your skin will also thank you with its most beautiful glow. Hello, Skindetox!

In January, everything feels like it's in hibernation. There are hardly any distractions, especially during the lockdown. So now is the perfect time to get started!

2 The skin - a multi-talent

Perhaps some of you have already had experience with detox cures. For those who are new to this, I would like to go into a little more detail and reflect a little on the sense and possible nonsense of so-called detoxification. But first, let's take a look at what the skin does. 

  • Protective functionAs the largest organ of the human body, the skin fulfills an important protective function. It shields the inside of the body from environmental influences, heat, cold and chemicals and absorbs mechanical impacts such as shocks. The skin's own acid mantle prevents pathogens from penetrating. This is why mild care is so important.
  • Sensory organ: Temperatures, mechanical stimuli and pain are transmitted to the brain by tactile corpuscles in the skin.
  • Heat balanceA sophisticated system protects against heat loss and overheating.

The skin is also involved in vitamin D synthesis and stores fat, salts and water and excretes metabolic products via the pores.

At this point, I would like to briefly address the trend of detoxification. Science agrees that the deposits known as waste products do not exist in the body, as the intestines and kidneys excrete substances that cannot be used. Since terms such as purification and detoxification have become fashionable, the market is literally flooded with dietary supplements that are supposed to rid the body of harmful substances from the inside out. Serious studies cannot prove the effect of these often expensive medium supplements. However, the body does indeed detoxify itself - all by itself.

3 Detoxification via the liver, kidneys and skin

We are confronted with harmful substances every day. Agricultural toxins, particulate matter, medicines, alcohol, unhealthy foods such as fast food, sugar, ready meals, sausages, chemicals and certain cosmetic and metabolic products keep our organs on their toes. The liver works at full speed to eliminate harmful substances and everything that is not needed. It plays a central role in detoxifying the body. 

Nutrient-rich blood is transported from the intestine to the liver via the portal vein. There, the nutrients are either stored for later use, directly utilized, converted or broken down. Toxic substances produced during metabolism are also converted and finally broken down by the liver.

The bile produced in the liver cells transports water-insoluble pollutants into the intestine, while water-soluble pollutants enter the bloodstream and are then excreted via the kidneys and finally in the urine. A small proportion of the pollutants are also excreted through the breath and skin. 

When I think about these processes in the body, I feel great respect for this masterpiece of creation. When I become aware of the perfectly coordinated processes, I feel a little bad towards my body for regularly putting it under such careless strain. 

But the great thing is that we can decide at any moment how we want to live. What food do we want to eat, what cosmetics do we want on our skin and what information do we want to feed our brain?

"Our body can only work with what we feed it from the outside. A good, healthy and appropriate diet is therefore very important," remarked physician Dr. Sophia Wachner in an interview with Leonie. The same applies to the skin. It needs to be intact so that it can perform its many important tasks. It is often irritated by aggressive cosmetic products or certain ingredients. For this reason, skin care should also be designed to give the largest organ what it needs to do its job.

4 Clean eating and pure care

The saying "You are what you eat" is not entirely far-fetched - in relation to keeping our bodies healthy, of course. The importance of a strong immune system becomes clear every year during the cold season. The coronavirus pandemic has once again highlighted the importance of a strong immune system.

Baked fennel with lime, pumpkin seeds and yogurt dip and king oyster mushrooms with ras el hanout from Epi-Food.

A healthy lifestyle is a wonderful way to support your body in its work. This includes the following points:

  • A diet rich in vitamins and nutrients and adequate fluid intake
  • Sufficient sleep, exercise in the fresh air 
  • be careful that stress does not become chronic
  • Pay attention to relaxation after strenuous phases
  • Use gentle skin care that does not irritate the acid mantle or irritate the skin

5 Skindetox set for your time out

To provide you with the best possible support for your wellness program, we have put together a wonderful Skindetox set for an all-round nourished body and radiant skin. It includes an eBook with delicious recipes from Epi-Food and the three mildest Junglück products:

  • the Junglück Rosewater - refreshes and strengthens the skin, soothes the senses, has an anti-inflammatory
  • Junglück Aloe Vera gel - intensively moisturizes, soothes and helps the skin to recover
  • Junglück Almond Oil - provides the skin with lipids and makes dry skin velvety soft even in winter

Our Skindetox set

Get the great set including free eBook from Epi-Food here.

To the action


We have chosen these three Junglück favorites for the Skindetox set because the skin is often put through a lot in everyday life. Often, too much skincare is simply done with good intentions: rough exfoliants, products containing alcohol or strong fragrances and chemical ingredients can damage the skin. With our extra mild beauty trio, you can sweeten your skin's healthy feel-good days - and of course every day.

Our great aloe vera gel in the hands of the wonderful @svenjafuxs.

The women from Epi-Food have written a wonderful eBook for free. In the eBook you will find many delicious recipes that are not only tasty, but also make it clear that a healthy lifestyle is simply fun. With the Skindetox set, you can give your body what makes it happy, both inside and out. "Mens sana in corpore sano" - "a healthy mind in a healthy body" - Juvenal. 

With this in mind: have a good time and do it properly. Because after this wild 2020, we're probably all so ready for a wonderful 2021, aren't we? Happy New Year!

Your Lena 


Our new editor

My name is Lena and I am a happy freelance writer and journalist. I love animals more than anything, which is why I eat a 99 percent vegan diet. Speaking of vegan: I love plant-based natural cosmetics and writing about them. And so the circle closes, because my enthusiasm for vitamin Cserum and the sustainable approach of Junglück brought me here. I hope you enjoy reading my articles!

