And while I was doing my rounds through the living room with the vacuum cleaner to Whitney Houston's "I wanna dance with somebody" the other day, the question came into my head as to what was actually happening in my body that I had mutated from a couch potato living in yoga pants to an uninhibitedly dancing karaoke cleaning fairy. Sound familiar? Then it's about to get interesting!
Hormones regulate - also our mood
We've probably all come across melatonin and serotonin, at least by name. But here's a quick recap of the biology lesson: melatonin is a sleep hormone, serotonin is a neurotransmitter, i.e. a messenger substance that has a mood-enhancing effect. And then there's testosterone, the male sex hormone that is released more in spring, which increases the desire for activities other than living room dance sessions. If you're now wondering what happens to the ladies: unfortunately, Mother (Hormone) Nature didn't give us such fun in the cradle, but there are still plenty of studies that show that women also have an increased libido in spring. But let's be honest: do we really need studies to find this out or are we more likely to trust our own experience? Just saying...
But back to the point: spring therefore increases our desire for physical contact. In addition, the increased sunlight suppresses the sleep hormone melatonin, which really boosts our metabolism. The sun's rays also increase the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which can even trigger a real euphoria. The result of this wonderful interplay: we are more active, more energetic, feel better and develop an affinity for 80s dance music (or is it just me?).
4 tips for spring in your head
How does nutrition play into this?
From a holistic perspective, several studies have already shown that the brain and our digestive system are in close contact with each other. What we eat influences the bacterial landscape in our gut and this in turn influences what happens in our brain. So it goes in one direction, but it also goes in the other; an interaction. When we are stressed, for example, this changes the bacteria in our digestive tract, which in turn affects our entire metabolism AND our brain. A simple example that we are probably all familiar with: We are stressed from exams, deadlines or the general workload and feel a craving for something sweet, or something fatty, something to reward ourselves for enduring the stress. Quite dangerous! Because sugar or fried foods have the exact opposite effect. We delude ourselves into thinking we are rewarding ourselves, while we are actually exposing ourselves to stress and, in the long term, even depression and other negative symptoms.
However, removing the variable of stress from our lives completely is not realistically feasible. But we can change how we react to it by relatively simple means. A balanced diet is essential: lots of vegetables, pulses and fruit, only a few whole grains, avoiding sugar and other sweeteners as much as possible, replacing bad fats with good fats, but in moderation - nuts and olive oil are key. Fermented foods such as kimchi, miso or tempeh are also a great support for the microbiome in our digestive system, as they are rich in probiotics. This mood-lifting nutritional advice Treat also has a very positive effect on our skin! During our Skindetox month in January 2021, we even tested this ourselves, as our meals consisted largely of exactly the ingredients listed. You can find out exactly what we ate and how our skin and mood improved as a result in the podcast.
As you can see, you could write a whole book on this topic. Of course, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all diet that works for everyone. So take your own advice, do your own research and read up on the subject. It has helped me a lot to understand my own gut and to consciously eat more happily!
So if you're interested, take a look at our interview with Dr. Sophia Wachner on nutrition and skin:

Take a look inside:
Sun / daylight
We have already learned that the sun gets a lot of things going in our bodies. Endorphins are released, serotonin becomes more active, we feel relaxed and happier. However, the sun is responsible for the production of a very essential substance: vitamin D. Normally, we take in vitamins through our diet, for example Vitamin C. With vitamin D, however, the body produces it itself and needs sunlight to do so. So what exactly happens? The sun shines on our skin, where the cholesterol is converted into provitamin D. This hormone is then transported via the blood to the liver, where it is stored as vitamin D3 and passed on to other organs. A healthy liver is therefore a basic requirement for us to be able to produce this important vitamin naturally. All the more reason to rethink your diet accordingly.
Because this vitamin does a lot for our body! It supports bone formation, which is of course particularly important for children, and plays a key role in our immune system. An adequate supply is therefore more relevant in the current pandemic than it has been for a long time. But the positive properties of this powerhouse vitamin don't stop there. It supports the health of mother and child during pregnancy and shows a certain preventive protection against bowel and breast cancer in particular.
A lack of vitamin D is therefore not only bad, but can also be harmful. It has even been researched that a lack of sunlight, and therefore vitamin D, promotes some forms of depression. It's pretty obvious when you think about the information up to this point.
Despite all the sun worship, I would also like to warn you about the risks. It's no secret and everyone here is probably aware that the sun's rays can also be very dangerous, as they can cause skin cancer if you are exposed to them for too long without protection. Exactly how long this is depends entirely on the individual and is highly dependent on your own skin, so it could be 10 minutes or even 20 or maybe even more. It is generally recommended to go out in the sun for a few minutes three times a week with your arms, legs and face exposed. If you want to know exactly whether your body is getting enough vitamin D, you should have a blood test. No matter how weak or strong the pigmentation of your skin is: sun screen should definitely be used after a few minutes of vitamin D exposure, preferably before you notice the first slight redness. Then it's best to get into the shade and apply plenty of cream, because yes, UV radiation also reaches the shade!
The active lifestyle
I know, especially in winter it's sometimes difficult to get out of bed, off the couch or back into real life in general, but that's exactly the crux of the matter: exercise. In 2020, walking has become a popular sport and, at least from my observations, has also held up pretty well in the top 3 lockdown activities - even in winter! I think we were all at the point where we couldn't see banana bread anymore, neither in our Instagram feed nor in our own kitchen.
But now that I've done some in-depth research into what spring triggers in our bodies and how it gets into our heads, I firmly believe that walking (or even jogging for the more ambitious) in the fresh air was the glue that somehow held the thread of our mental fitness together. Or what do you think? Simply going out, seeing something other than your own four walls, enjoying nature or urban architecture at best, getting your joints going, getting your circulation going and so on.
Of course, now that spring is here, especially when the sun is shining and we are already scratching the 25 degree mark in March, it is no longer so difficult for us to exercise and lead a more active life. Let's try to maintain this motivation, because there are bound to be days when the cloudy sky creeps into your head, you count the raindrops on the window panes and debate with yourself whether you should get up to go to the loo or hold out for a few more minutes (I know I'm not alone in this). So, even if it's hard, let's keep moving, whatever the time of year!
Have a little spring in your step
Our eyes are slowly getting used to the bright colors that are gradually appearing more and more in meadows, flower beds and public spaces in the form of spring planting. However, nature appeals to more than just the sense of sight. The sense of smell is just as happy! "Spring is in the air", who hasn't heard this phrase? The fresh, flowery and fragrant scents cheer us up and ensure that we can really take a deep breath again. So let's bring them into the home. You can do this with fresh flowers and airing, airing, airing!
This tip may not be particularly suitable for allergy sufferers. All those who tend to have blocked noses, watery eyes and shortness of breath during this time need to be careful. The following applies here: depending on which pollen is critical here, or whether you live in the city or in the countryside, different times apply when it is best to open the windows. Exposure to pollen is higher in urban areas PM and in the countryside AM . If you want to be particularly careful, you can install fly screens in front of the windows. They also keep uninvited spider guests out of the house, a win-win situation. For more relaxed nights, we recommend airing out your bedroom and only going to bed with washed hair to keep the pollen away from your pillow.
However, you don't have to do without the wonderful scent of spring completely. Fill your vases with fresh flowers, decorate with indoor daffodils or for those who like an extra intensive dose of spring: hyacinths! Bring spring into your home and it will find its way into your mind and onto your skin!
But if all else fails, create a playlist with songs that are real mood boosters for you (Hello 80ies), turn up the volume, grab the vacuum cleaner, mop or whatever cleaning tool you prefer and really get going. It's guaranteed to lift your spirits and if not, at least you'll end up with a clean apartment - and if that doesn't make your heart beat a little faster, then I don't know what will.
On that note: Happy Spring-Time! And in Whitney's words: "Still enough time to figure out how to chase my blues away... Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!"
Enjoy the catchy tune!

"This is your brain on food" - Uma Naidoo, MD (First Edition: 2020. Publisher: Little, Brown Spark),in%20das%20Provitamin%20D%20umgewandelt.