In the cosmetics industry, we keep coming across the terms "anti-pimple", "anti-blackhead" and "anti-impurity". They are all anti. But why?
1. pimples, so what?
If you haven't heard the bang in this industry yet, you might hear it now: pimples, blackheads and the like are completely normal skin conditions. No matter what skin type or age, everyone has more or less of them. And that's perfectly okay. We need to stop letting these "anti" slogans get in the way of our self-esteem. Whether it's a single pimple or a face full of pimples, they have nothing to do with your personality and don't make you worse or less lovable!
2. skin shaming has no place with us.
At 16, pimples were my biggest enemy. Whether I had the self-confidence to be extroverted, speak to someone, give a talk or put my hair in a plait was determined by how my face looked on the day. And I know it wasn't just me. Back then, my friends and I met up regularly to test new "anti-pimple" masks, gel rollers and creams, to find the best concealer or the ideal make-up. It was clear to us: pimples don't belong to us and should be hidden. To make us feel better. So that we feel beautiful.
If it wasn't suggested to us that pimples are disgusting and are only caused by a lack of hygiene, we would all have felt more comfortable during puberty. So much bullying, stupid remarks, exclusion, lack of self-confidence and sadness have been caused by the unwanted companions on our skin. And why is that? A lack of education about what actually causes pimples (especially during puberty) and advertising that portrays them as a blemish.
It's no secret that beauty ideals are distorted by social media. And fortunately, there are positivity movements that are now making a big impact, particularly in terms of body and mental health. But #skinpositivity is still in its infancy. There are so many strange beauty hacks and tips circulating on social media... sometimes we in the team just shake our heads. Rubbing potato peelings on your nose to get rid of blackheads? Face masks that draw all the dirt and sebum out of your pores?
Sure, I understand that you want to get rid of spots. And it's true that skin without spots is simply healthier. But does that mean products and beauty hacks have to be so "anti"? Do pimples deserve to be the number one enemy on our faces and product packaging? I don't think so.
3. pimple products? Yes, but without shame
Don't get me wrong. It is important that we pay attention to the small breakouts on our skin. After all, they are small injuries that need to be treated sensibly Moisturize so that the skin can once again reliably fulfill its natural functions. But why do we have to be triggered with anti-pimple attitudes? I myself, for example, always have to deal with hormonal impurities at certain times of my cycle. And I am 100% not alone in this. These deposits slowly grow out of the skin, feel more like an insect bite and are painful to boot. Quasi the pimple jackpot par excellence. But: even these pimples deserve not to get so much anti-attitude. Our skin wants to communicate with us. It tells us that something is not running smoothly in our body and if we learned to understand it better, we would look at blemishes in a completely different way. Namely as little messengers that appear symptomatically to tell us: "Hey, listen to yourself, observe yourself, because something is not quite right".
We generally take a holistic approach, especially when it comes to treating the skin. Because we know that there is simply more to dryness, spots and most illnesses and that more needs to be done than just finding the right skincare. For us, nutrition, psyche, lifestyle and the skin go hand in hand. And this also applies to pimples. That's why I would like to encourage you: Don't curse your skin, but listen to it. Observe how it behaves, whether you discover a connection with your hormonal cycle, with certain foods, stress or other life circumstances. Also look at the skincare you use, because pimply skin doesn't like aggressive surfactants in cleansing products any more than any other skin. If you want to find out more about the causes, care and dealing with blemished skin I have mentioned more articles below that may be of interest to you.
4. come time, come serenity
That may sound strange, because I'm not even approaching 30 myself and certainly haven't eaten wisdom with spoons. But as far as my skin is concerned, I've become more and more relaxed from the age of 21. So what, then I just have a pimple or a greasy carpet pad. Does that mean I'm no longer allowed to set foot outside the door? Do I have to switch off my camera in online meetings? Do I have to be happy that the FFP2 mask covers the pimple? No.
It took a long time, but now I even save myself the trouble of reaching for concealer to cover my blemishes. For me, make-up has taken on a completely different meaning to when I was at school and conquered the city's drugstores with my friends. Putting on make-up was a way to cover, conceal and hide everything I didn't like. Today, when I wear make-up, I use selected products to highlight exactly what I like about myself. And if a pimple smiles at me in the mirror, I let it laugh instead of patting concealer on until it's barely visible.
It should be important to heal the damaged skin, i.e. to heal the pimple Moisturize, rather than trying to cover it up or treat it aggressively. That should be the priority. This should be communicated in our industry. So that the focus is on the health of the skin and not on shame and discomfort. With these thoughts in mind, we have developed our Spot cream and our Zinc toner developed. Without "anti", but with lots of support for the healing process of your skin.
A pimple is an inflammation in the skin. And inflammation in the body always has a cause.
It's high time we recognized that there are X number of causes for blemishes: Hormones, stress, diet, the wrong skincare products, our environment - just to name a few. Let's celebrate our skin for engaging with us in this way and give it what it needs to heal itself. From the inside and the outside. If you are also fed up with skin shaming and want to find out more about the origin of your blemishes, I recommend our Instagram post in which we recommend possible causes, tips and skincare options. So that you can take care of your body and your skin together Moisturize
And if you want to know more about how pimples develop in the skin and what exactly is behind the new products, the Spot cream and the Cleansing Gelis behind, have a look at the article by our budding pharmacist Mara take a look!
Until then, take care of your skin, let your pimples be pimples and practice serenity. There's only one thing left to say: goodbye skin shaming!