When you look at the cosmetics shelf, you see this description everywhere. You immediately know what it's about. You know immediately that you should feel addressed. Because as soon as the first wrinkles, the first pigmentation spots, the first signs of sagging skin appear on our faces, the race against time begins for many. Anti-aging care products promise the eternal fountain of youth: Anti-wrinkle, anti-limpness... anti-ageing.
When looking at the ingredients, it cannot be denied that Actives such as retinal, tocopherol, Vitamin C and co. are important for the skin with increasing age. What we don't agree with, however, is that this suggests that we are not getting enough. We would like to speak out very clearly against this "anti" attitude. For us, there is no place for product descriptions and advertising that convey the feeling of having to fight against ourselves and our own bodies. It's about accepting ourselves - in every phase of our lives. It's about supporting our skin, understanding its needs and treating it accordingly Moisturize. And yes, this becomes increasingly important as we get older. What else do we not need? Shame, fear-mongering and alienation of the completely natural ageing of the skin.
What happens to our skin as we age?
The skin's natural processes slow down with increasing age. And incidentally, this doesn't just start at 40, but very gradually already in their mid-twenties. Collagen production slows down, which means that the framework of our skin becomes a little weaker. Sebum, which keeps the skin supple, can no longer be produced as quickly. This makes the skin drier and the skin's protective barrier more vulnerable. Viruses and bacteria can therefore penetrate more easily. Cell regeneration also no longer functions as quickly as it did in younger years. The skin becomes tired. And that is quite normal.
But just as coffee takes away our tiredness in the morning, we can boost the skin's processes with targeted active ingredients. That's what we're all about: keeping the skin functioning properly. Actives For example, products that stimulate sebum and collagen production and ensure more efficient cell regeneration do just that. Firmness, radiance and an even complexion are virtually side effects that result from targeted care with active ingredients adapted to the skin's needs. And at some point, these side effects became the sole aim of skin care. A twisted world. At least from our point of view.
Anti-aging: The solution to skin aging?
Ultimately, anti-ageing products have one thing in common: the formulas are designed to help the skin in areas where it can no longer do anything sufficiently or at all on its own. In principle, this is exactly right. But we question the communication, the usual jargon, surrounding these care products. Why does someone first have to feel bad in order to buy a product that is supposed to make them feel better? Why does ageing have to be advertised as a reason to feel ashamed and doubt your own beauty? Why do terms such as "anti-ageing" have to be used, which first create a problem and then magically present the solution at the same time? This whole process is tainted by skin shaming and age shaming - and in our eyes has no place in today's world.
Cosmetics are not medium to radically reverse the ageing process. They should not promise eternally youthful skin. And above all, cosmetics should never give us the feeling that ageing is something unnatural that needs to be combated. That ageing is something we should somehow be ashamed of. Something that should never be seen.
Goodbye anti-ageing, hello well-aging: no more shame
well-agingThe skin and its needs are brought to the fore with the "good ageing" concept. It turns the world the right way up again, so to speak. Away from the anti-attitude that makes us feel as if our skin is our enemy and makes our body less lovable with wrinkles and spots. Towards an attitude that strengthens the harmony between our skin and ourselves. well-aging means wholeness and real care, in the original sense.
"Anti-ageing" is a remnant from times when beauty was marketed as a smoothly ironed ideal. In the 21st century, however, there is room for so much more than just that in our understanding of beauty. Beauty means that we feel comfortable in our own skin. That we can accept and love ourselves just as we are. Radiance means beauty. Flaws and imperfections mean beauty. The term is no longer as shallow as a puddle. It goes deeper than that and has expanded significantly in recent years.
Being you suits you - at any age
Unfortunately, the focus on well-aging is not yet as widespread as we would like, as we often come across product names with "anti-whatever" on cosmetics shelves and in advertising. Even new products from modern brands unfortunately still use the negative prefix.
There is no room for this in the attitude we adopt. "Being you suits you" - this is always true and completely independent of age, gender, origin, religion, height or weight. It's about accepting ourselves, loving ourselves Moisturize and loving ourselves. For us, the skin plays a central role in being in harmony with ourselves. We need to take care of it so that it is healthy and can fulfill its functions, first and foremost: to Protect us. And it can still do this with the right care, even if our skin is wrinkled and no longer 100% smooth and firm.
That is why we are anti-anti. We are committed to creating space for well-being and acceptance. With each other and with ourselves. The "well-aging" principle is an important building block in this mission. We want to inspire the cosmetics industry and people to rethink - and that goes much further than just formulations, packaging and sustainable production chains. Above all, we want our brand and our products to make you feel good. With us and with yourself. That is the path we have chosen. This is how we make cosmetics.